I asked this question in a different sub but I figured that asking this here is more appropriate? My friends keep bugging me about being single and not pursuing anyone.

Edit: I guess I should have framed it better. I keep getting told that I am missing out and giving up too early and it will be hard going forward. I don’t see any of that being true

  1. What are you asking? You ask “what’s tough about being single” yet you are talking about them not understanding why you aren’t going after anyone.. what is it that you want?

  2. Toughest part of being single is October, I would like someone to be in my house with me after I watch horror movies. The other day I got a bruise on my leg from carrying too many groceries in to prevent a second trip to the car.

  3. This is a bit open ended, if you’re in the right mindset, in that you’re not looking for a relationship, feel any urgency, happy focusing on yourself, then being single is great. Ultimately, it’s how you think/feel about being single, or being in a relationship that’s going to make things difficult or not for you.

  4. It depends a lot about who you are and what you want in life. For me, being single is hard because I really crave the level of closeness you have with a romantic partner. But some people are very happy when single. If you don’t feel like you’re missing something, it’s probably because you don’t, so just enjoy!

  5. Holidays/vacations are more expensive for one person, a mortgage or expensive rental is harder for one.

    Personally, I feel less of an ‘adult’ when at parties it’s just happy couples who’ve been together for years, then it’s me on my own.

  6. The people who have it tough are not single by choice. They would prefer to be in a relationship but can’t find what they want. For people like me who are single by choice, I don’t think there’s anything bad about it except not having someone obligated to help move heavy objects when needed. It is certainly much easier than being stuck in an unfulfilling (or worse, bad) relationship.

  7. Personally right now, its the nagging thought in my head that i will have no one to come home to. All relationships beteween family and friends have someone to vent their day and hang with.

    I want that for myself but have a hard time finding anyone with a connection, side note this generation sucks ass. Too many people have enjoyed uping their body counts, screw anyone with two legs, etc. I would LOVE an older style relationship of getting to know and just spend time together and talk about randomn things but wrong generation haha.

    Ive heard the schpeels of youll find someone, live single etc. But humans were not designed that way and we need people around us. Also having all the money, as people say you can travel freely while single, yea…but wouldnt it be nice to share it with someone? Instead of just working to work.

    Idk bout yall but FUCK being single.

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