I could use some tips on how to engage in somewhat “shallower” conversations and maybe be desired as other than listener/worker

For context I (21M) is lucky enough to be able to engage in deep talk allmost immidiatly with strangers and friends and am quite active in voluntering work it is lovely.

The kicker is that I sincerly struggle with the feeling that people use me as a workforce/person to unload on since I can’t seem to engage people in shallower conversation and in the long run, it is exhausting having to drain my battery for others without having someone to just have a conversation for the sake of it.
I never/extremely rarly get invited to things outside of work/volenteering and the instant I manage to talk to someone the conversation usaly has to be carried from my side or go to a realy deep theme of how it is going with that person.
And when I finally get someone to talk to over time I I find myself again put aside when that person gets other alternatives, and if I’m unlucky that person abandon me completly when they get a girlfriend/boyfriend.

If the answer is just get new friends please give an explenation on how you would do it.

Thanks for listening to me and thanks in advice for tips.

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