The way I[M25] go about my social interactions is that I try to make the other person to get comfortable talking to me, this works everytime, I get people to come out of thier shells and start talking comfortably.

I am respectful in my social interaction and always wait for the other person to finish talking, no matter thier status compared to mine.

My problem is that most of the time they get too excited to talk that they don’t wait for me to finish my sentances anymore, it’s like they have something they want to say and not really listening to what I’m saying well, I still finish every sentance to the last even if they start talking while I am talking.

Now it is a small talk so I don’t think saying “hey wait and let me finish” is good to say, most of the time the subjects I find myself talking about are not important enough for me to assert myself this way.

Is there anything I can do to change this recurring pattern.

Thank you in advance for your tips and shared experiences.

1 comment
  1. Check how joe rogan does it…it’s on YouTube and it works well for me since i had the same prob.


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