So I’ve made a post about this before but I keep attracting people I consider to be extremely attractive but am mildly autistic (not a joke) so sometimes it’s hard to communicate my intentions without being too blunt.

I was working out today and a really attractive girl came into my gym and started walking on the treadmill. I kept working out but while I was lowkey checking her out, I noticed she was doing the same and slowly started gravitating her workouts to where I was, but I dismissed it as perhaps coincidental.

We kept glancing at each other and eventually she came up to me and asked me how to do cable rows and I explained politely but let her continue her workout once I finished explaining. She didn’t even end up using the machine and left shortly after, but damn was she fine..

I don’t want to make her uncomfortable while she’s at the gym because I honestly might be wrong, but this keeps happening and I’ve even been told by people I have ended up dating / hooking up / talking to that I’ve accidentally curved them prior to us somehow meeting again.

If I see her again, I want to introduce myself and start lightly so we can let chemistry decide our fate, but how do I make it clear that I’m interested in her?

Thank you in advance!! :))

  1. Just learn to keep things casual until you decide to ask them out. Maybe ask about their routine and what they’re focused on which can lead to what they do for a job, education, etc. Learn about them first.

  2. She showed she was likely interested in you by glancing at you, working out closer to you and then coming up to you and talking to you.

    So you can do similar things back. You could try talking to her first next time. If it goes well you could ask her what she’s doing on the weekend etc see if she wants to meet for coffee or a drink.. she’ll know you are interested if you suggest that.

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