I am in the best shape of my life. And feel pretty confident about myself. I was making out with a guy I’m dating and I realize I was turned on by imagining him touching my body. Really not even thinking about his. I know that I have always been turned on most by my partner being turned on. So, maybe that was part of it. Imagining that he liked the way I was shaped as he was running his hands over my body is what I remember. I guess this is good motivation to stay fit. To keep yourself feeling sexy. Makes the other person better in bed. Without any effort on their part lol.

  1. I take lots of photos of myself and look at them and think damn girl you look fine! I think it’s a really healthy thing to do to stay confident. When I have fantasies yeah I guess it’s people touching me not just about them

  2. I absolutely wish I could be this way. Being sexual confident or more dominant and vocal are definitely fantasies for me. I enjoy touching my own body when I’m alone… but still usually covered up with a blanket. The idea of others touching my body makes me feel really embarrassed and guilty. I even apologize to doctors before exams.

  3. Occasionally I feel this way when I’m alone and really really horny sometimes I look at my own naked pics or in the mirror and get turned on lol

  4. This is how I’ve always been. Sex to me is me displaying myself to someone and seeing the look in their eyes, watching them get turned on. Major ego boost, in addition to sexual satisfaction.

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