I’ve been with my SO for years. We use condoms to prevent a pregnancy, as opposed to preventing STIs.

I absolutely hate condoms. I hate the smell, I hate the nasty residue it leaves behind (not even using lubricated), and obviously it reduces the sensation, but it’s mostly the smell/feel that bothers me.

Right after I put it on, I have to wash my hands. I don’t like the idea of that condom smell/residue getting all over my bed. It just kills the mood sometimes.

My SO can’t do birth control because she’s had issues in the past. And an ~~IED~~ IUD isn’t a good option since she wants to try to get pregnant later this year.

Any ideas? I’m currently using Trojan Magnum Bareskin. I’ve used other Magnum types and couldn’t tell the difference. Before Magnums, I used regular sized condoms and tried all different brands, but never liked them. My SO suggested I try Magnums because it was so difficult getting them on/off, so the Magnums have been perfect size-wise.

**TL;DR: I hate the smell and feel of condoms, but want to prevent a pregnancy. Looking for alternatives. I use Magnums, so I’m hoping they make decent alternatives in a similar size.**

Edit: IUD (not IED 😂)

  1. Vasectomy are quick & 100% effective.
    Everything works the same afterwards; except that you’ll shoot blanks

  2. I would try latex free. No weird smell. Also, check out NFP/FAM as an option. It is groundbreaking and life changing. It is NOT the rhythm method. It can have an extremely low failure rate when more conservative methods are practiced properly and consistently.

    Check out the book “taking charge of your fertility”. Read it together. I’m serious. It is life changing. One other huge benefit to NFP/FAM is if you do want to get pregnant later, she’ll already be charting her fertility and she’ll just need to switch from avoiding sex on fertile days to doing it on fertile days. If you’re interested in chromosomal sex selection, and have a preference for an XX vs an XY baby, you can also sway the odds towards one sex or another by timing things right.

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