What videogame from your childhood do you miss the most?

  1. There was this awesome stealth game series known as Metal Gear Solid.

    Sadly, the game series stopped with MGSV: The Phantom Pain, and due to some video game politics, I doubt we will be getting another one. I miss hiding in a cardbox box and bamboozling Soviet troops.

  2. The original Crysis had a really awesome multiplayer mode (Power Struggle) that combined typical first person shooter rules with a dynamic armor system and focused heavily on resource/area control.

    Unless I’m missing something, few multiplayer FPS games hage ever tried to implement a similarly heavily strategy based multiplayer game mode.

  3. Parasite Eve was an RPG with good writing and a great unique combat system. Then for the sequel they just threw the combat system out the window and made it a Resident Evil clone.

    Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 are great games that I would love to get the remaster treatment, but I think the IP owners no longer develop games

  4. *Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars* was a fantastic collaboration between Square and Nintendo, plus the soundtrack had some real bangers. I like to put the theme from Rose Town on YouTube when I’m cleaning around the house.

  5. Rayman, on Windows 95. My first real platformer and I loved it. Alternatively, Super Mario 64. We would sometimes rent an N64 from Blockbuster and that was always the game we would get.

  6. Lost Mind of Dr. Brain
    Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
    Amazon Trail
    Oregon Trail
    That Encarta game

  7. I miss multiplayer FPS games with public lobbies like Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 Arena. No dailies or loot boxes. And if you played on the same server all the time you got to know the other regulars.

  8. There was an arcade game that debuted around the time the original *Star Wars* was released. It was vector graphics (like Asteroids). Two players could play head-to-head—I’m not sure it had a single-player mode. You could choose certain parameters, such as whether there was a black hole at the center of the screen. The two players would maneuver their ships and try to shoot each other’s ship.

    One ship *vaguely* resembled a Star Destroyer from *Star Wars.* The other ship *vaguely* resembled the *Enterprise* from *Star Trek.* Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten the name of the game.

  9. Nagano Olympics ‘98 on N64. Best Olympic there ever has been. Mario and Sonic is good, but I’m looking for just a little bit more.

  10. Depending on how far back you go I would say Super Mario Brothers or Half Life and weirdly Dig Dug. I used to play Dig Dug for hours.

  11. Why would I miss them? Thanks to emulation, I can still play them all.

    Well, except the arcade version of *Soul Calibur II*. “Conquest mode” really only worked in an arcade setting and it was sooooo ballin’.

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