Hi! So, I’m 23 years old male and haven’t dated much during my life (last time was back in high school). I met this girl during new years and we started hanging together… I slept at her place for a week, and after going back to home, we would text and facetime daily. She opened up to me very early on about her anxiety issues, but that was okay for me, I had sort of same issues in the past, so I felt like I could connect about this with her. However, yesterday morning she said that she finally got the anxiety meds (2 different meds) from her doctor and some hours after that I started noticing that she’s leaving me on read a lot and last night she texted me that she wants to cancel a trip that we were planning to go on together… I’m pretty sure that it’s the meds that are causing her to lose interest in me so rapidly, so I asked whether she needs more space (by which I lowkey meant that does she want me to let her go?) To this she answered that “no, I like to talk to you”, which was the only positive thing she said that day.

Idk, I’m kinda clueless what to do. It sucks that I’ve already developed genuine feelings for her, but now it seems that we don’t share the same levels of interest anymore.

Tl;dr- Met a girl, we developed mutual feelings towards each other, but she restarted her anxiety medication, after which it all has died down. It sucks.. :/

  1. You just met her and then camped at her place for a week?

    Dude, I would let you on read, too.

  2. So I was once in inpatient care and I got a medication which made me lose all interest in everything. Nothing was fun, everything was meh. Hobbies? Meh. My family visiting? Meh. I hated it. I didn’t feel like myself anymore.

    But you know what? Even with the high dose given in hospitals, that didn’t happen over the course of a few hours. It happened in like… a bit less than a week, a bit more every day. This isn’t some thing where an hour after you take some meds, you suddenly change into a different person.

    What *might* have happened are more physical side effects (nausea…) occuring immediately. But that aside, if you only met on New Year’s and you moved so quickly to even already plan a trip together, then that’s *crazy fast* and you might need to slow down a lot here. Especially if she has anxiety issues and is now testing meds out, a trip wouldn’t be a great idea anyway; she should have found stable medication first.

    So honestly, I don’t think that what she is doing is a bad thing – she’s slowing things down to a more normal speed now. Of course if you need to go at lightspeed, then this might not be the girl for you… but then you’ll likely have quite a bit of trouble finding someone.

  3. Medication doesn’t kick in that fast. The adjustment period for brain meds is six WEEKS. Aka longer than you two have even been a thing.

    It’s not the meds, she’s just not into you.

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