Hi everyone. I met this girl (potential sex partner), we made out a few times and we both want to have sex. She told me she has genital herpes. Now, I know condoms will 99% prevent contagion, but can I get infected via eating her ass (putting my tongue inside her butt) and performing vaginal oral sex? Considering, of course, that she does not have an active breakout. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: In case I do get infected, will it appear in my mouth or in my genitals?

  1. Preface, not a doctor. But I am fairly confident that you can get Herpes from oral. It would be mouth herpes, many people have herpes of one form or another, i.e. cold sores. But I’m sure you’re not the first person in this position and there’s ways to do it while minimizing risk of transmission

  2. So first, condoms aren’t that effective at preventing herpes. It’s the skin to skin contact that is the transmission point, so unless your condoms cover all skin, this bit about condoms is incorrect. Also, would you be using a dental dam for oral?

    If they are treating it properly and are not having a current breakout, odds are 1-2% that it could be passed. Genital herpes CAN spread orally and vice-versa.

  3. Very low chance if she doesn’t have a breakout. But it’s possible…
    Only you can decide if it’s worth the risk.
    Personally. . . Life’s too short to worry bout all that

  4. Someone with herpes here and a medical worker. Herpes transmits via skin/skin not body fluid. My S/O and I were together 2 years before I finally got it. He had it since childhood. It does not matter which type. Type 2 is usually known as “genital herpes” but can spread to the mouth via oral sex. Type 1, aka, “cold sores” can also spread to genitals via oral sex. It really isn’t that bad. I maybe have an outbreak once or twice a year and it lasts 2-3 days. 25% of the population has it and many don’t know. The last time I visited my gyno he told me that Type 1 on genitals is becoming increasingly common.

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