Last week I (21m) texted this girl on Instagram, and we started to talk. And I invited her to the having a coffee. She responded to my messages very quickly, but she began to make me wait a lil longer day by day. Today she added me to her close friend list in ig. I’ve known her for like a year on ig, but we have never meet or talk in real life before. Also, she is taller than me, about 10cm – 4inch, but she is very sincere in her messages. I do not know whether she knows my height or not.

After two years of recovery, the last did not end well; I feel nervous, happy, and excited. But height concerns me a lot. What am I looking for from her point of view? I need advice for tomorrow:’)

1 comment
  1. Do not be concerned about the height difference and just be confident and focus more on having a good conversation. If she has a problem with the height difference, then move on she wasn’t meant for you if a height difference like that is a deal breaker.

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