What would cause you to greet everyone except one person at work?

  1. usually because they will try to talk to you about stupid bullshit for way too long, so it’s best to avoid them entirely.

    there is one guy at my office who basically harasses everyone with asinine questions and opinions.

  2. If the person never greets back, i work in a pretty big company (800 employees) and i greet everyone except for 2 people, those 2 people always ignored me (not once, i see them every day and they didnt greet for two weeks, after that i did neither)

  3. The only time I’ve ever done something like this is when I hooked up with someone I worked with then she hooked up with the other manager I shared an office with. Wasn’t fun! At the core of it I just really strongly disliked her at that point so that’s probably what it boils down to and there isn’t always a good reason for it

  4. They’re the stuck up nerd at the workplace

    As someone who use to be that myself I frown up on it more than most

    ….. I know why you’re so quit and shy….

    You’re not fooling me

    I know what’s going on in that head

    You think because we’re laughing and having fun we’re gonna bully you, that we won’t accept you or possibly understand your interests

    If you’re especially like me than you’re probably harboring a little resentment and envy so you’re masking that with ideas of being “better than it all” and thinking about how “immature” the other co-workers are

    That’s how I use to think

    It took me a long time to realize that I was just worried about being rejected, and it took me even longer to realize no one was out to reject me and that no one was actually my enemy and we were adults now so we don’t need to fight and bully each other anymore like children

    You gotta put down your gaurd to see that you’re not in danger

    No one likes to talk to walls, don’t live your life as a stranger

  5. Sometimes simply because I feel awkward around this person. Maybe because this person is friendly with others but not me.

  6. HR case with no merit filed against me or for some of you it could be legit, but it’s still a case/claim against you.

  7. When you have no respect for me I have no respect for them. You don’t deserve my time and effort to talk to you

  8. I greet everyone at work that I come into contact with. Though I manage people so the more friendlier and easy going I appear the easier it is to get them to get their job done so I can go back to do my jobs without looking over their shoulders.

    I’m not the type of manager just to sit back and give instructions I like to get work done myself as well including some of there’s that they aren’t currently doing because they are doing another task for me. That way they can get home as early as possible.

  9. They’re bossy. I have a coworker like this. I don’t talk to him until he talks to me. He refuses to change. I’ve explained to him that he’s bossy and he needs to stop on multiple occasions. Even told him off and yelled at him for it before. He refuses to listen. If you’re not going to respect me by stopping a rude behaviour I’ve asked you to stop, I won’t acknowledge you. Plain and simple.

  10. I got distracted.

    Or maybe I think that person doesn’t like me.

    Or maybe I really don’t like that person.

    Or maybe I don’t know that person

  11. Obvious cold shoulder. I actually had that happen last year. I usually greeted our entire team but this one co-worker didn’t say shit back to me for about a week straight and at that point I just gave up.

  12. Cos I used to but they never say anything back or acknowledge it, so I just stopped.

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