If there was a boot-camp for women to attend to get the experience of being a man, what would be some of the lessons, excercises, drills they would have to deal with and overcome?

  1. This is a big generalization of women, but I’ll bite,

    My GF has never known the pain of building ikea furniture or removing a stripped screw. Start there

  2. Also an exercise in the joy of scratching our balls…I can feel the pleasure now just thinking about it.

  3. Six weeks
    Week 1: Surprise office furniture assembly at your place of employment

    Week 2: random acts of having to carry heavy stuff because “you’re a gentleman”

    Week 3: Body Dysmorphia Suppression classes

    Week 4: “Why the only feeling you need is anger”- a series of lectures.

    Week 5: 1hr course: sex and intimacy and why they’re the same thing

    Week 6: Graduation/ duty assignments
    You can pick from outside manual labor [Heavy]
    Inside manual labor [Heavy]

  4. many FTM transgender men mention that there’s a lack of hugs, attention, and social courtesies that women get that men don’t after transitioning.

    a lot of trans men also notice that women fear you and parents are scared of their kids around you.

    We probably don’t even realize it cause we’re so used to it. but men experience a different world

  5. How to unstick your balls from your thigh in the summer time.

    How to deal with unnecessary and impromptu boners.

    What to do the morning after sex when your pee comes out in two streams when you least expect it.

    How to carry ALL of your groceries in one trip, while also being able to unlock your front door.

  6. A few years of being ignored and at best be treated with politness from everyone for no other reason as that there are men who had more time and luck to become successful.

    Edit: Or to describe it differenrly – live without being interesting to anyone and without anyone desiring to be anything beyond friends with you.

  7. Anything that makes them realise just how ineffective it is to expect people to care would be the biggest reality shock. They always speak as if people have to care about them… That isnt really a reality to us.

  8. Swallow their emotions while being screamed at, working their asses off without so much as a atta boy, talking to a SO an halfway thru the Convo the SO becomes irritated for no apparent reason, getting humiliated when they’ve made a mistake, getting treated like they have an extra chromosome for not knowing something, that’s jus a few to list off

  9. They’d be given tasks and actually have to complete them without whining until someone else does it.

  10. Showing zero empathy when they’re clearly in distress…..actually I take that back……not even giving them the option to express their distress in fear of being shamed and not considered a real man

    Basically be made to believe that her life isn’t as precious as her brothers, that she would have to be the first to go if it were a Sophie’s choice situation

  11. ‘Spraining your ankles – signs, ice packs, and tightening your boot to keep walking anyway’

    With the follow up course –

    ‘Why there’s no need to see a doctor, have some Tylenol if you have to.’

  12. I think there would need to be a day where there would be no talking, and they must find a way to think about nothing.

  13. Making their dad treat the brothers way more lovingly and making her do all the dirty work while the brothers relax and go on shopping trips together and get little to no punishment for things she would get reamed out and humiliated for

    Sorry that was petty but it’s my experience ! And a lot of guys’ experience I know

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