woman who gave the weird kid a chance how did it go?

  1. I didn’t know him when he was the antisocial kid in high school – we met when he was the guy with a college radio show about ghosts.

    He had a lot of growing to do, and he gives me a lot of credit for his growth that I don’t deserve. The things I love about him most have always been there, he just wasn’t confident in showing them – he’s been hiding a big heart.

    Married with a kid, and looking forward to the rest of our lives.

  2. Well if she wasn’t crazy enough her family was.

    I was pressured into giving her a chance by a couple friends in the LGBT alliance groups I was part of. She was nice enough. She was obsessed with my babysitting job. You know how there’s horse girls? She was like that with babies.

    Asked to help with my babysitting jobs. Some suspicious things happened. Like diapers going missing, some pumped milk missing, wanting alone time with the kiddos.

    It got to the point where I was asked not to bring her to help. If you can imagine our sex life was like that as well. Very “ageplay” like.

    I finally broke up with her after she threatened my little sister with a spanking.

    The stalking continued until I left my home town.

  3. Ended up having him trespassed from my place. He was odd, but nice. We saw each other for a month before I decided to end things. We were coworkers, he followed me home from work as a “joke”. I told him things weren’t really meshing well between us because he was extremely clingy and would show up at my house uninvited and wait for me. He started leaving weird things on my porch when I told him I just wanted to be friends. Sticks of gum, old printed out pictures, notes, random keychains. When I told him I didn’t want to be friends at all anymore, and to leave me alone, he asked to come over and talk. I told him no, and he showed up anyways. I left for a drive to get away. I was gone for 3 hours. He was still there when I got back. He followed me up to my door and said he needed to come inside to use the bathroom. Everything in me said hell no. 2 hours of me peering out my window and he was either standing at the porch door or at my car door with his flashlight on. I ended up calling the police and got him trespassed. When they asked what he was doing there he said “I’m visiting my girlfriend” they told him it was time to move on lol.

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