I have had this feeling for a while now, and I just don’t have the heart to bring it up to her.

The reason why is back when we were maybe 3 months into the relationship (we’re going on 5 months now) we had an argument and I said she’d be better off without me, but, she begged and pleaded with me, “don’t leave me” she said (this was over text) and later that day we met up to talk, to which she immediately started bawling as soon as we got in the car together, clinging to me and hugging me, begging me not to leave her (this is her 1st relationship)

Ever since then, I haven’t felt the same way that I did before, I feel a kind of wanting, in a strange way. And I’m scared that I’m an irredeemable monster for wanting something….more. she says things like “your mine always” and she talks of moving in to an apartment together and having kids and getting married, this is only my 2nd relationship, and my longest lasting one, and I’m scared I’m….missing out? On that vast dating world that lies out there. Am I a monster? What do I do now?

TL;DR : My GF of 5 months and I got into a fight and I know longer feel the same about her and our future together, I feel like I want something more in my life. Is something wrong with me, and what do I do?

  1. Break up with her, it’s hard but you’re only 5 months in and sometimes you just know.

  2. No you’re not a monster. Dude realize y’all are super young, and don’t have a lot of dating experience.

    It will hurt now but you will be doing her a favor breaking up. Trust me both of y’all will end up with better partners in the future.

    Just because you decide to date someone doesn’t mean you’re signing a life commitment. You are dating to be exclusive and see how compatible your lives are.

    Thats marriage. You’re not married so no you’re not evil breaking off a relationship. You tested to see if it would work and you don’t feel that way.

    She will block you, she is will cry, she will resent you. That is a part of the process. Don’t expect to be friends. Move on, both of you.

    If you’re a good person you will let that woman go if you don’t truly love her or even feel infatuated by her. She will understand when she heals.

  3. It is wildly immature to be talking about kids and cohabitation when you’re 18 years old and doubly so when the relationship is brand new. She also talked to you in a way that people in a relationship should never speak to each other. Ultimately, the reasoning doesn’t matter. You don’t want to continue the relationship, so let it go.

    P.S. you aren’t cheating in your head when you envision a better relationship. This just isn’t working for you.

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