So I have a new girlfriend who has started staying over recently, and I want my place to feel more welcoming, what can I do/buy to make her feel more at home? I’m thinking like toiletry-wise and comfort.

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  2. Depends on your GF. Do you know what kind of soap and shampoo she uses? If you do you can get those or you can get some trial size bottles of several things. Make sure you have clean towels she can use. Some new toothbrushes are always good to have around. A hairdryer if you think she uses one. Snacks or drinks she likes (ex: if you’re a coffee drinker but you know she likes tea, get some tea). Honestly for this type of thing it’s really the thought that counts and even if you get the wrong things the fact that you tried will get across that you’re trying to make her feel comfortable and at home—and that’s a lovely gesture.

  3. Get some nice lush green plants 👍 it’s a very easy way to make a home feel more relaxing.

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