I have a few chronic illnesses and my mum keeps sending me weird health-related videos and links to different websites. All of them advising of different remedies/cures to my illnesses which I know are bogas. She’s also sent me anti vaccination videos before despite knowing that I don’t share her views.

I know she thinks she is being helpful but it’s really pissing me off. I have asked her to stop on multiple occasions but she keeps disrespecting my boundaries. I’m considering un-friending her on Facebook because of this but don’t know if that’s a step too far.

Any advice?

Tdlr; My mother keeps giving me unsolicited health advice even though she knows it upsets me.

1 comment
  1. You need to set a boundary by telling her you don’t want any more unsolicited medical advice. If she crosses that boundary, then I would go low contact, greyrock and possibly no contact (depending on how you feel). You are dealing with a personal medical situation that doesn’t need extra anxiety by unsolicited unscientific advice. You have every right to go no contact and unfriend her if it’s what you feel is best for you.

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