I (25, F) met a guy (30, M) on the hinge when I was traveling to another city. We started talking and after a week we both decided to meet and we are living 1700 km apart. I was frustrated with life and I was like okay let’s meet, I will travel for you. I booked tickets and it cost around 18000 rs for a round trip. He paid for the tickets.

I finally went to his place where he is living alone and is in one of the highest positions in government after travelling for 12 hours, 2 flights and a 3 hour long car trip. I reached there, he was good, it was a govt residence given to him.

We slept through the first night as I was tired. Second day we went outside for movie and food. I didn’t want to watch movie so we left in between. Before movie started we were looking for things in the mall. I was looking for a overcoat. He was like buy it and I was like no I don’t want to cause it’s expensive like 7000 rs. We bought alcohol and food and came back home. I wss frustrated with him cause his driving. And at one moment he said, he wants to get marry and settle down with 3 or 4 kids. And I told him that I don’t want kids but that’s not the issue as we were just went out on our first date. One moment I missed my ex cause we both wanted the same thing in long term no kids. After coming back home we had our dinner and started drinking slowly. He had neat vodka. And He drank through 70% of the bottle and I had only 20% of it as I don’t drink much. His ex started calling him, they were talking on video call. His ex was crying so he started crying. I was listening to all the conversation and he couldn’t handle his alcohol. I was just sitting there and regretting my decision to come here.

Second day, he was out of hangover we went out and had lunch and long drive. We did some shopping and I was teasing him but he got me two gifts worth 9000 rs. We came back home as he was tired. He switched off his phone and we were talking and eating. After the dinner I was checking my phone and I saw I got a video call from his insta account and I was like why are you calling me? He said I’m not. Then he was like my ex must be calling as she has my password. It was around 20 calls from her side. I picked up the phone and I said “you’re ruining our weekend while I was crying” I started crying, he was talking to her on my phone. He yelled at her too. And the thing is his ex was getting married on the 4th day. I said to him don’t show me your face, I don’t wanna talk to you and ask someone else to drop me off to the airport. But we reconciled.

Third day we woke up late and then we got ready and we drove to the airport. We had fun in the other city and had some food. He dropped me off at the airport, I took my first flight and I reached the main airport now I had 7 hours of layover at night. I called him after my first flight as he reached to his place and asked him if he has talked to his ex or his family. He told me that his ex is not getting married tomorrow. I was disappointed and I was like I will block you after this call and not gonna talk to you. He said just let me know if you reached your home safely. I was like okay. But I did block him. Then I had all these hours to think and I was like don’t block him and all those thoughts were going on my mind.

I reached home safely next day and I talked to him and asked him to give this is whatever it is six months to figure out. If we can’t do it, we can stop this. He aggred to give it a six month. I teased him and said now you can marry your ex as she is not getting married, he was like no she got married, I made her understand. I was like okay.

We talked next day perfectly as I was also attending my friend’s wedding. Then next day I was feeling sick, he said go to doctor and I was like no, I don’t want to. He was asking me about my career move and all as we talked before that I will focus on it. Then after next day he suddenly stopped talking to me. Like he saw my text after 14 hours as a person who has their phone in hand for each second of the day. I was like okay give him some time. Next day also he didn’t respond. Then after 48 hours I texted his ex, you can have him as he is still in love with you. Which I unsent but she read it. But before that I called the guy and asked him if he is okay and why he hasn’t texted me back. He said I’m not in the zone to talk, I said I understand and it’s okay you can take your time. I hang up the phone and I texted him that “I hope you’re okay, just wanted to check up on you and I understand if you don’t wanna talk to me. Just let me know. Whatever your decision is” after that I talked to his ex for an hour and she said that I’m not the only person that this happened. He cannot give me his attention forever. He has multiple women. And he couldn’t even let her know that he can’t marry her that kind of a person he is.

Now my question is should I wait for his text or call or just block him and move on?

TLDR : I flew 1700 km, spent the night at the airport for a guy I know for a week and I deeply liked, he spent 40000 rs on me and he has suddenly stopped talking to me.

1 comment
    I went to a guys house went on couple of dates with him got upset because of his crazy EX girlfriend then blocked him on social media again because of his crazy ex girlfriend and now he stopped talking to me…after I told him I need six months to think about it….

    Bro do you even understand what you did? You spent time with this dude, then turned around blocked him because his ex **HIS EX** mind you, told him that she was getting married then on you’re way home you told him you needed time to think about it, and rather than him wasting more time on you he decided to just go spend his time doing literally anything else? And your confused as to why?

    Is there subreddit where people point the obvious?

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