I’m 23m, she is 19f. Should I carry on pursuing this relationship even though I’m really numb right now, in the hopes that the feeling will pass. Or do I need space?

I’m 23m she’s 19f. We’ve been talking and getting to know each other for around 2 months now. This however came straight after I broke up from a 2 year relationship. I was in the process of moving on and this girl happen to come along.

Now I like her but not near as much as she likes me! She’s even admitted that she’s catching feelings. I’ve said can we take this slow as I’m still getting over my last one to which she’s agreed. But she wants to see me all the time. I would absolutely love the attention if I was not wanting abit of alone time to myself. She’s such a nice and caring girl who I see as perfect relationship material for me.

We haven’t had sex yet fyi. But it’s probably going to happen as we’re going out drinking and have a hotel together next week.

It’s so annoying because I really want to feel like girl but I’m just abit numb atm, it’s not that I don’t put in the effort with her either, I’m trying my best.

Now the question is should I keep going on with this, in the hopes that this “numbness and total lack of sexual attraction to anyone” will go away soon? or do I need some space to get fully over my last relationship. I want this to work out as I do like her and she’s everything I want in a girlfriend.

TL;DR: recently come out of a 2 year relationship. New girl has come along and ticks all the boxes so far. I really like her, she likes me more! But I’m very numb and are lacking sexual attraction to anyway rn. Should I carry on going on dates and seeing her etc and hope/wait for this feeling to pass. Or should I give myself some space?

  1. All I can say is take it slow and be honest with her about your feelings. I was once in your situation and once my mental fog cleared I realized what I lost.

  2. I was torn to shreds after my first major relationship ended, and the only thing that made me get over her was a rebound chick who I couldn’t wait to break up with a couple months after we started dating.

    Distractions from what you lost can help the mending process imho, and nothing is more distracting than a new girl.

  3. this poor girl. cut her loose and figure out yourself before you get into a situation with someone else!

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