Did you go to Woodstock, how was it?

  1. Everyone I know who was on the east coast and from that generation say they got stuck in traffic going there and turned back or heard about the bad traffic and didn’t bother.

  2. It would have been pretty cool I’m sure, but unfortunately I wasn’t born. My own mother was only 6 years old when Woodstock occurred.

  3. A bunch of my friends went in 1999 and mostly remember what a terrible experience it was. Memorable, but a sleep deprived mess.

  4. My mom and dad were 5 and 6 years old, respectively, in 1969.

    I think my mom’s mom might have gone though now that I think about it, she would have been like 23. I’ll ask the moms

    edit: yes, grandma Betsy did go to woodstock. She lives on the west coast now but at the time she was in New York State. Apparently she caught a ride home in a neighbor’s farm plane. Not sure what she thought of the concert itself, she probably enjoyed it. These days she mostly spends her time playing folk music and growing weed in her back yard.

  5. My dad went. He parked a few miles away, walked halfway there, then turned around because people coming the other direction told him it was cancelled due to rain.

    He said the atmosphere was just incredibly cheerful and upbeat, especially considering the weather.

  6. My aunt went to Woodstock. I asked her what it was like… she said she didn’t remember.

    Very anticlimactic story.

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