This always happens to me, it’s not a problem really, it’s just that I have a easier time talking with women than with guys. It may be because I was raised by my mom and my grandmother, so I am more at ease with women.

  1. Easily, me and men 9/10 don’t mesh. There’s a way guys carry themselves that I generally don’t like. Just preference, women tend to want to connect more and I’m all about connecting while still being a masculine guy. It’s complicated.

  2. I prefer female friends, but lately I’m thinking having close female friends is something that’s out of my reach. My energy and personality keeps getting misinterpreted as flirting, and honestly I’m envious of guys with lots of platonic female friends.

  3. Yes definitely my hobbies and interests are a bit male leaning and I barely have anything in common with most other women I meet. I feel like I’m more free to be myself around guys because they’re more likely to understand me.

    Plus most women don’t typically put in the effort to initiate conversation or get to know me while some guys definitely do try. I’m shy and introverted so that means my friends are usually people who approached me first, so typically guys. Unfortunately it leads to a lot of misunderstandings and rejections when they assume I’m into them.

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