I (43M) absolutely love and adore my ‘hoping still’ gf (36F) but lately her actions make me wonder if I’m heading for heartbreak and pain.

Barely talks to me lately, makes up what sounds like excuses about anytime contacted and slow response, and barely answers phone, and when asked to see each other, given excuses. Just also learned she moved from her residence to the house owned and occupied by one of her “friends” from the bar she goes to regularly.

Knowing her past relationship was met at that bar, im wondering if she wants me gone, found replacement, and doesn’t want to say anything so she can hold clear conscious if ends

Any advice or thoughts would help

  1. The next time you communicate with her just come straight at her and ask is there anybody else? do we still have a relationship? do you still see us together for the long term?

    If she can’t give you a clear answer then you should proceed with caution.

  2. Certainly appears she’s losing feelings if not already lost considering the non answers. Prepare for the worst in my opinion.

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