Like, when you’re dating someone and you meet their same gender parent for the first time, does any part of you project the parent’s physical appearance onto the person you’re dating and think “so that’s where they’re headed physically”? If so, how much weight do you give it in your judgement?

  1. No.

    Just from looking at my own family and friends, I can tell that it’s a bad gauge. A person’s own lifestyle and habits is really the only thing that can give you a sense for how they’ll age, but even then, you’ll never know for sure.

  2. I guess I did some what.

    My FIL and my husband look a lot alike. I’ve looked at pictures of my FIL at my husband’s age and he is almost identical to my husband to the point I thought it was my husband at first glance.

    So I feel like my FIL’s physical appearance is a good indicator of what my husband will look similar to as we age.

    Obviously there will be some differences because they are different people but it is a good indication.

    My FIL is a pretty good looking man so I’m not upset about it.

  3. I think the extent to which I’ve considered it with my current partner of 1.5 years is asking him about the hair genes in his family. His parents are in their 60s with full heads of hair while mine are in their 50s and losing hair. And I hoped any potential future kids would get his side’s genes.

  4. I don’t, unless they look really similar, and that’s more of a “huh, that’s interesting” kinda way. I give this absolutely zero weight.

  5. None lol, my partner shares similar features to his parents but it’s nothing that has ever crossed my mind to compare his dad to him. Kinda weird for me if I did

  6. My husband kind of looks like his dad. However he takes much better care of himself. Sometimes I look at his dad and think oh my god I hope he never becomes that.

  7. No. If I’m with someone long enough for us to age together, I likely find them attractive no matter what they may look like.

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