Just little info about me, I absolutely love going down between the legs. It is my favourite part of sex especially when the girl pushes my head down. But at the same time I haven’t been with too many girls (live in a small town in Sweden).

I want to know your tips and tricks what works for you so I can broaden my skills.

I am already confident in my way, but one never stops learning right? I’ve been thinking of the caressing and teasing part that takes place before any clothes are off that might need improving.

  1. Check out the sexual techniques section of the FAQ, and use the search. This question is asked a lot.

  2. Remember: it’s not a race, it’s a marathon.
    Take your time, be gentle and passionate. Lots of kissing and touching, all over her body and inner thighs. The licking comes last.

  3. There is no generic formula. The smartest thing you can do is to ask the receiver what they enjoy the most. I can’t tell you how many time I was stuck between shaking my head and just bursting out with laughter because the men I was with saw some “cool” stuff in porn and tried doing that, and not only didn’t it feel good but it was also just plain ridiculous. If you do want to implement something you saw/heard somewhere, ask the woman if she enjoyed it and if she would like for you to continue. Not everyone likes teasing, not everyone likes licking, not everyone likes sucking, some need it super slow and gentle, some need some serious rubbing etc. So ask the woman to show you exactly how she likes to be touched (or to masturbate in front of you so you can see and learn from that).

  4. Take your time i like to do a tongue roll flick combo between the clit hood and tongue fuck combo my wife loves it she goes absolutely horny for it.

  5. Easy peasy:

    1. Find a girl who wants you to go down on her.
    2. Practice and perfect your technique by both communicating with her and seeing what seems to have the best effect on her.
    3. Go back to step on and repeat.

    The best way to learn is on the job training, and the best way to get good at something is through experience.

  6. Here’s what I (and many other women) seem to like best. But always ask and check in! I don’t like any crazy tricks. Just the fingers on the g-spot + tongue on the clit.
    Lots of foreplay including kissing the inner thighs and outer labia before any penetration of the vagina or licking of the clit. Tease her a lot and make her anticipate it. At some point begin licking the clit. Use your tongue to firmly apply a licking/flicking motion. Once you do this, just keep doing it. Then one, then two fingers inside on the g-spot is an amazing complement.

  7. Try different things, listen for moans, read her body. We are verrrry communicative if you know how to listen to the signs.

  8. The main thing is to take your time as it is not a race. You really do not need to ask her what she likes at first. Just pay attention to her reactions as to what makes her moan and buck her hips as you are going along. I like to run my tongue up and down each side of her. Then I stick my tongue in as far as it will go inside her and tongue fuck her. Then work your way around her paying attention to her responses before going for the clit. My goal is to have her bucking her hips and crushing my head with her legs. I just laugh when my wife asks what did I do to her?

  9. It can differ from girl to girl. Ask how they like it. Some like it fast, some slow, some want fingers in there, some get distracted if you use fingers. It never hurts to ask and I’m sure she will appreciate it!

    Pay attention to her breathing and body language to see if she likes something. If you notice her really really enjoying something you’re doing…for the love of god do NOT think going faster will make it feel better. don’t change it up. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing.

    In terms of before the clothes come off..kiss and lick everywhere around her EXCEPT her pussy. it’s can be such a huge tease for her.

  10. I like it light at first, no fingers just tongue gently searching around and slowly flicking over my clit. Then speeding up getting more sloppy mixed with nibbling and gentle sucking, then a thumb massaging my vulva, fingers exploring slowly added to the mix.

    That for 10 minutes and I’d be rolling into an orgasm, but then if he keeps up the rhythm with his tongue, flicking and gently sucking, and goes a couple of fingers deep and does the classic “come hither” motion on my g spot, and then a cheeky finger in my ass? I’ll be cumming for days 😄😋

  11. Some of them like rough, some of them like going slowly, so the best thing to do is to ask but also give sth from yourself, especially in the beginning and observe her reactions.

  12. We’re all different. Lots here want to be fingered, someone said no sucking. I don’t get much out of being fingered and love to have my clit sucked gently. I like the suggestion someone had of just trying different things and letting the girl squeeze your shoulder when it’s good and tap when it’s not so good

  13. Start like you’re a butterfly gently kissing a delicate flower. Finish like you’re a starving bulldog eating a bowl of oatmeal.

  14. Usually people say the teasing and foreplay is important, but tbh I love it when my partner just digs right in. Make it a feast. Use a lot of spit (that’s a general rule for oral, but maybe there’s a small percentage of people who don’t like that, so make sure first). Also when trying to make a girl cum, usually what works is the same thing consistently. If she says “don’t stop” just keep doing whatever it was you were doing, no faster, no slower, just exactly what you were doing. The technique that gets me there 100% of the time is a sucking/licking combo ✨ Have fun ✨

  15. You won’t find a clear answer heat as every woman will have different preferences.

    But some things I have done

    Alphabet in cursive
    Light sucking
    Light humming.
    Use your fingers at same time.
    If they say don’t stop or right there keep doing exactly what your doing in exactly the same way

    But number 1 is to ask what they like. Let them know you want directions and want to do what works best for them

  16. All of us like different techniques We aren’t a one size fits all Communication is how you become great 😉

  17. Every girl is different an like different things the best thing you can do is pay attention to her what sounds she makes or what her body language is tell you when you hit different spots, I got good by just reading those signs but I also have a vibrating tongue bar 😝🤣

    Also don’t be afraid to ask the girl you’re going down on what she likes and foreplay is big one as you want her turned on before starting the more turned on the better

  18. 80% of being good is finding the clit and spending enough time

    Rest come from “reading” her reaction to your moves

  19. A good tip is if you find a certain motion she likes, keep at it at the same tempo. I have experience far too many times that when I like a motion and tempo and say “Just like that, I love it!” they speed up their shit. Like no, lmao, you totally ruined it. I can’t speak for all people with vaginas, but I’d say most of us need to build up tension with the same rythm, and a pretty long time too, so try to find a motion that doesn’t strain your mouth/tongue too much so you can keep at it for a long time. For example moving your head with your tongue.

  20. Sign up at omgyes.com. It’s a by-women for-everyone resource that explains how to pleasure women, with detailed descriptions, videos and even interactive practice. Techniques and pointers I’ve never heard of, and covers everything from the basics to advanced stuff like how to make a woman squirt. It’s totally worth the price, as you get lifetime access for a one time payment. Highly recommend.

  21. Take your time, lots of communication, don’t rush into it too. Also, I personally like it when he flicks his tongue around the clit area just lightly brushing over it

  22. I recommend reading “She comes first” by Ian Kerner. It helped me very much to be better at cunnilingus. Cheers!

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