I (22M) am currently dating my girlfriend (18F). We have been dating for 5 months, and while our relationship has never been perfect I have always fought for it. You see? My girlfriend isn’t really the most mentally stable person ever and goes thru some hard times that I help her out with. She’s also not the most affectionate and does not understand boundaries. She’ll go places and not invite me to go with her, sometimes even her friends will invite me to go with them when she doesn’t. I have been a perfect boyfriend, always spoiling her, showing complete affection and doing my best to keep the relationship going. However, this week I met a woman (28F) who literally check all my boxes. She asked for help with her car and since I work at a bodyshop I went to her car to help and we began talking and the conversation just flowed so smoothly, didnt feel forced like it sometimes feels with my girlfriend. We have been texting and it just feels so natural, never run out of things to talk about while my girlfriend and I have been having boring conversations for the past month. This new girl, I’ll call her EM, has been texting me and even with little things like saying she’ll pray for me since I’m sick and offering to bring me tea has already been more affectionate than my gf. I know texting this girl is wrong and possibly cheating, but I’m scared she might just be what I need in my life. I don’t know how to go about this. Should I stop talking to this girl? Should I end things with my gf? I’m not unhappy with her, but I wouldn’t say im 100% happy. And if I end things with her, how do I do it so that she doesn’t hate me or have a mental breakdown that leads to something tragic? Help 🙁

edit: I’d also like to add that I love my girlfriend. I have never thought about cheating on her and I would never do so. But the way she does things sometimes and refuses to accept when she’s wrong has been making me worried of what our future will be like. At the same time I am worried of how she’d handle a breakup and how it would leave her with no one as I’m currently her only “person”.

  1. Leave your high school girlfriend (super creepy)

    And maybe go for the new option. Or don’t. Stay away from high schools

  2. You claim to love your gf but you’re already emotionally cheating on her. You admit you’re not unhappy with her but you’re not fully happy either. The new woman checks all your boxes. Ok. What would it take for your gf to check all your boxes? Is it even possible considering the issues she has and her age (is she a mature 18 year old or a childish one)?

    If there’s any doubts, keep in mind that you’ve only been dating for five months. We date to find someone compatible. If you feel the new woman is more compatible with you and you see yourself with her, then you need to break it off with your current gf and explore this new relationship. You can’t worry about how she will handle a breakup because by doing so (while it’s nice to worry about others) it keeps a lot of people in relationships they really shouldn’t be in.

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