What’s your opinion about becoming a graphic designer?

  1. a potential job for pursuing art and making some sort of living wage from it

    HOWEVER, its a job with a metric fuck load of competition. also a lot of companies will merely contract out individual pieces so full time jobs aren’t a guarantee.

    4/10 stability prediction, possible, but many likely hurdles.

  2. The creative aspect can be fun depending on where you work, but the job market can be saturated and there is not always upward mobility.

  3. My degree is in Graphic Design. I discovered pretty quick that I didn’t like it. I don’t like my art being dictated, and constantly trying to explain to people why certain color combinations don’t work, and why certain fonts look ridiculous.

  4. As a graphic designer, it’s clear 95% of the responses in this thread have no idea what graphic designers do

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