So I (26F) caught my husband(30m) of 2 years sexting some rando on his phone. I went to google something and bam there was a dick pic and text. We had the fight, which was more me yelling and crying and him crying silently while saying “he fucked up”

He begged for one chance and is going to therapy. He’s also paying for our couple therapy. He also bought me many things before leaving for his job which takes him away for two weeks.

It was hard. It came out of nowhere. We were connected to the hip most days and he was/is obsessed with me. He had said the cheating has only been a week along and he just missed the chat that he let his impulse win. “It was just sexual and it would’ve never been physical”

Even after cheating I’ll wake up and forget about it for a moment then I’ll see his face and all these horrible thoughts fill my head.

I want to stay. I love him foolishly but I know myself. Im allowed to be upset and somewhat snarky but I don’t always want to hold this in my back pocket. I want to forgive but at this time that makes me want to puke.

I guess I just want to see if anyone else had someone cheat just one time and you made it threw, or sexing scandal. I have no one to really talk about this because I don’t want to be judged for staying together.

My husband has told me I can add whatever boundaries I want from him to. Phone looks, deleting social apps, anything but I didn’t want that. I just had the basic rules don’t cheat, he ruined it.

  1. How do you know he wont keep sexting and hooking up with other poeple while he is away for 2 weeks?.

    With you being snarky at him he will just tske this 2 weeks as a hall pass to do anything he wants, then tell himself that he will change and be a good husband once he comes back from this trip.

    I suggest you surprise him and join him in this trip to see what he is doing.

  2. He needs therapy for sure.

    I’ve been cheated on and I stayed. He continued to cheat. Took me 2 years to get over the betrayal.

    Cheat once now on me. You lose me completely and get a knee to the dick.
    I think everyone should stand by it.
    The relationship will never be the same, even with therapy.

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