[24F] and I [24M] stopped talking about a year and a half ago. We worked together and went to college together where we first met (I graduated in 2021 and she graduated in 2020). I was in a long term relationship at the time, and she was single. I broke up with my then girlfriend, and after a few months, everyone around me encouraged me to pursue [24F]. I slowly began to spend more time with her, but, eventually, things died off, and I found out she began dating another guy. Since then (a year and a half ago), I found a girlfriend, and we dated 8 months before breaking up a month ago, and [24F] just recently became single again, as well. Haven’t seen her or talked to her, but I am once again being told to pursue her by friends close to both of us. Should I pursue? What’s a good way to break the silence between us?

TLDR: Wondering how I should approach pursuing a girl I haven’t talked to in a year and a half.

1 comment
  1. That’s tricky. After all, there was a perfect opportunity for you to date and it didn’t happen. In fact, she pursued someone else. In my eyes such a perfect place perfect time not working out says plenty, maybe a fresh start is better especially as this whiffs as kind of a rebound since going back to old flames often feels easier than getting back out there.

    Then again maybe getting it out of your system is worthwhile. Make an earnest crack at it and if it works out cool, if not at least you drop the ‘what if’ scenario from your mind.

    As for breaking silence, just a how do you do message is fine, surely.

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