Not so much in the big national chains, but a lot of the smaller chains near me always have these weird specialty flavors that are liberally sprinkled with one kind of breakfast cereal of another.

The idea just seems so unappealing to me. Donuts are basically better than cereal, so why would you want a donut that’s less donut and more cereal? Like, nuts I get, because they balance out the sweetness a little bit, but how is a donut enhanced by throwing Froot Loops or something on it?

  1. I know people who have bought them. Generally, it’s people who like the texture and taste of that cereal, and think that it would be fun to have it on top of a donut. Those sorts of people tend to like incredibly sweet things. And aren’t turned off by how sweet that donut would be.

  2. Nuts on a donut? That sounds gross. These actually sound good. But Im probably still getting a maple bar every time.

  3. I’ve bought one that had a crushed up candy bar on top.


    It was the novelty of the thing.

  4. I used to years ago. They taste pretty good but are high calorie junk food. I eat better these days

  5. never seen this before, but it sounds like a bad texture combination, like why would you want a nice soft chewy donut and then hard crunchy dry cereal?

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