i have one friend who i consider my best friend but idk if they consider me their best friend. they hang out with me but they also have their own friend group that they’re very close with. im scared they dont like me as much as their other friends. what should i do?

  1. Thats not a competition, you know. Its normal to have more than one friend. And she/he can be other best friend that he/she loves more. Thats okay too.

  2. I’m someone whose friends with a lot of people but not in a specific friend group. At first I got jealous my friends were hanging out with their friend group over me. The thing you should do is confront them and ask if they consider you as a best friend. I confronted my friend about it after a bad fight we had and she confessed that she saw us as close friends but said she would be glad if we could be best friends! Communication is good in every relationship!

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