We’ve been together for 6 months and before he used to finish me off every single time after we have sex. However recently he stopped trying. He would only do it if I asked but I don’t want to ask every single time. I don’t know what happened and what I should do about it.

  1. >but I don’t want to ask every single time

    They can’t read minds. Either start talking to him or watch your relationship collapse. Dialogue is key. “Not talking about it” is an incentive because he then thinks you’re fine with it.

  2. He should be trying to make you cum without being asked or reading minds lol. But the best option here is to talk to him about it and ask why he hasn’t put much focus on your pleasure lately.

  3. I would check in with your boyfriend.

    He may be feeling inadequate that he cannot help you achieve orgasm during intercourse.

    Are you opposed to stimulating your clitoris during intercourse so you might climax together?

  4. Ask him why he doesnt focus on making you cum and tell him its an important thing for you. If my partner didnt make me cum and wasnt willing to change or try, i would simply leave

  5. I had the exact thing come up in my relationship
    of 7 months recently so I just took literally 10 seconds (I was nervous as can be, I know these conversations are hard) and just said “hey, can we talk about something? I’ve been frustrated because I haven’t been cumming during sex lately” and he quickly said he was sorry and that he would make me come. It was a very quick conversation and I literally haven’t had to ask again since.

  6. If I were you, I would communicate that you aren’t okay with this behaviour, and you want him to go back to getting you off every time. What’s the point of sleeping with him if he doesn’t care about your pleasure too?
    Tbh I make it known to guys in advance my standards, boundaries and what I want in a sex life. Compatibility is super important for area every in a relationship. Also I wouldn’t stay with someone who didn’t care about my orgasm, especially when I know there’s a lot of men out there who would love to sleep with me and would prioritize my pleasure. 🤷 Hopefully being brutally honest with how this makes you feel and your dislike for it will knock some sense into him.

  7. Tell him exactly what you want. If it’s something he used to do, that’s great, he already knows how. If it’s something new, guide him through it.

    Tell him you want this every time.

    If he still doesn’t change, break up.

  8. Because he is being lazy and wants to see how much you’re going to let him get away with, closer and closer to that bare minimum line that seems to happen as relationships progress and they put in less and less effort.

  9. You know, sometimes if I finish before getting my wife to the high O.., and she doesn’t show interest in me getting her to the finish line then I stop. Instance, after I cum in her she will go and clean up quickly then jump back bed. If she doesn’t press her ass into me or show me that she wants it then I sometimes just cuddle her because I can’t read her mind. Give the man a signal.

  10. Uhhh six months and he’s already doing this? The care they provide in sex is a good reflection of how they are outside the bedroom too. I don’t like the sound of this. It matters. 🙁

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