Or at least, I’m pretty sure it’s a UTI. I’m a female, and became sexually active a couple months ago, and often times I get a UTI after doing the deed. Constant need to pee, a burning feeling and less urine coming out each time I do pee, cramps that feel like runner’s stitch in my right abdominal region, less control over my bladder, and excessive discharge (that varies in texture and color a looooot, it can be white/yellow and goopy or brownish red and thin). Before AND after sex, I always always clean myself by using the bidet, and if I’m not near a bidet I at least make sure to clean my hoohaa thoroughly with lots of water. I don’t wait too long to clean it either, usually I’m washed up within 10 minutes after having sex. I have no idea why I still keep getting UTIs even after cleaning myself a lot, and frankly it’s really annoying. Sometimes we do it without a condom, but whenever we do, we use the Skyn brand and also Astroglide lube. Please help me and also give me home remedies! I don’t have cranberry juice, I’m using a heating pad to help the cramps as I type, and I drink a lot of water throughout the day.

  1. I had the same problem. Get a bottle of boric acid vaginal suppositories and insert one after each sexual encounter. It restores your vagina’s natural pH, which is what is compromised when you have sex, and this allows bacteria that normally can’t grow to cause those UTIs. It’s saved my life, truly. I went from monthly UTIs to literally none.

    Edit: But you sound like you need a round of antibiotics right now. Get this infection under control, then start those suppositories for maintenance.

  2. Two distinct possibilities. One, he isn’t washing his penis enough which is introducing bacteria causing the UTIs. If it’s not clearing up on it’s own after a few days, then it’s time for a course of antibiotics. No natural remedies recommended, antibiotics are best Possiblity Two, it’s not a UTI, it’s an STI and you should get tested. I recommend getting tested anyway because it’s better to be safe than sorry. I get tested every 3-6 months depending on how many people I’ve been with.

  3. Have you seen a doctor? Untreated UTIs can cause kidney infections, you should take this seriously. Your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic such as Macrobid. You may just have an infection that keeps coming back. In the meantime, not sure what country you’re in, but take AZO urinary pain relief – this will help you feel a lot better but it won’t clear the infection – you still need to see a doctor. And begin taking D-mannose and cranberry supplements and keep taking them regularly – when taken routinely they can help prevent future infections. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. See a doctor UTI can cause serious issues and this sounds bad. Also get checked for STI because I have never seen a UTI that bad. Also sex is dirty no way around best to make sure you try to pee after sex and wash with an antibacterial soap if your prone to infection. I had a friend who would get uti frequently and it was from sex with her hubby. They were very active and that’s the advice the doc gave her. But I definitely recommend see a doc ASAP

  5. To be quite frank it sounds like a terrible UTI or because it’s not going away, quite possibly an STI. I’d definitely see a doctor for an STI panel and antibiotics which are likely needed. I don’t know why everyone is so on about boric acid. Get some Probiotics, they’re incredibly beneficial in preventing UTI’s and yeast infections (which a lot of women get from taking antibiotics or just in general). When I was around 21 I had no symptoms but eventually got really faint and had a fever. I passed out in the kitchen, and it was a terrible UTI. My doctor deduced it to the fact that my partner smoked cigarettes and wasn’t washing his hands always before touching me. You can be clean as a whistle, but make sure your partner is washing his himself thoroughly as well.

  6. I agree with everyone. Also avoid scented soaps, overly sugary foods, and make sure to pee after sex. I’d recommend getting a bidet. See a doc for antibiotics

  7. get to a doc to fix this instance, maybe ask them to run a culture so you KNOW what the contaminant is. most likely fecal contamination. if possible try both of you taking a shower before. clean each other, have some fun. cranberry juice is the standard home remedy. knowing what culture is growing in you urinary tract is likely key to what’s going on?

  8. Go to the doctor. I had an untreated uti turn into a kidney infection that could have killed me. Get this treated properly while it’s still no big deal.

  9. Go see a urologist. You’ll get proactive treatment for future sex as well. I take an antibiotic (one dose) every time I have sex plus a high dose cranberry supplement and D-mannose every single day. I had like 6 UTIs over the course of 3 months. A urologist put me on this regimen over 6 months and zero UTIs since.

  10. I suffered chronic UTIs, saw a urologist & I was without issues. No stds, etc . Coconut oil as a Lubricant during sex & D mannose supplement cured me. I haven’t had a uti in 6 years (knock on wood)

  11. It’s funny how many comments are trying to act like you are the problem when they didnt read your post. You obviously know that you need to pee, and you even already have a bidet. As another said, use D-Mannose supps! They are like 15 bucks on amazon and work like a charm. Once a day!

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