Title says it all. I found out Monday that I’m \~10 weeks pregnant. He’s the type that I’m worried will see becoming a father as a death sentence rather than a blessing, and I’m more worried he might try to throw himself off the roof of the tallest building in the city when I tell him. How do I approach this? I’m sick of making myself sick with worry.

  1. My gf (now wife) sent me a pic of the pregnancy test. That seemed to work just fine for us. We were also definitely not trying for a kid.

  2. Have a calm conversation with him and address his and your fears.

    Tell him that you are in it together.

    Try to stay calm even if he doesn’t. Remind him it will be okay.

  3. I’m not a men but I’m someone who doesn’t want kids. There’s no easy way to say it and if he’s set on not wanting kids you being pregnant won’t charge that, you might see it as a blessing but maybe he won’t, some people come around but don’t count on that. I’m not saying he’ll be a bad father either, but more often than not people will reset children they didn’t want, be absent, or just regret it. Be prepared for him to not want this kid, he might take responsibility but that does not mean he’ll want or love this child.

    I’m really sorry you two are in this position. I hope for the best outcome from all of this but tbh I think you need to be realistic.

    Tell him, you can’t keep it from him, give him a little bit to wrap his head around the matter and don’t pressure him to start playing daddy immediately. His emotions will be all over the place, I get that you need support but I also get if he’s unable to provide that support rn, make sure you have a good safety ned (family and friends) and make it clear to them NOT to pressure him either. After that you can discuss if he wants to stay in the kid’s life or not, child care/support, living arrangements and all the rest.

  4. you just have to rip the bandaid off & tell him.

    that being said, expect to become a single parent. whether he leaves or is an absent/distant father, he did not want a child. if you’d like to keep the child, then you will be doing it most likely alone.

  5. You just have to tell him. Make sure he’s calm and in a place where it’s appropriate to hear this news and then let it rip.

    If he’s told you he doesn’t want children, be ready to be a single mom.

  6. First, you have to decide if you want the baby and if you would be willing to be a single mother.

    Also, if you want kids, don’t be with someone who doesn’t want them.

  7. I have 2 children, my partner has 2 children and we have guardianship of 1 more. 3 live with us.

    He does not want any more. I kinda do. If I fall pregnant I will have to choose between the pregnancy and my partner. Maybe not right away but it will absolutely lead to the dissolution of us.

    If he doesn’t want children you need to respect that. The result may well be that you are a single mother with a child the father doesn’t want.

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