Men, which dating app do you prefer and why?

  1. None, apps for dating are just terrible. People (men and women) are very disingenuous and 95% of the profiles on them are basically mirrors of each other.

    I prefer to meet people in reality. It’s more challenging because people seem to be a lot more asocial than ever before, so the abruptness is something I think people are not used to.

  2. Bumble. It at least encourages giving some basic information. That said, it’s still pretty shitty. Not even the app itself, but people using it.

  3. I met my missus of eleven years in June on VampireFreaks when that was a thing. Wasn’t meaning to find anyone on there for a relationship but heck, here we are two kids later.

    But, dating apps seemingly kicked off right after we started dating.

  4. Ok Cupid because you can communicate with matches without paying. You can’t see likes unless someone likes you too. That’s fine with me

  5. Tinder ~2018. Don’t know if it’s the app or it’s me but now there’s nothing happening.

  6. Hinge. Gives me the best results by far. Met 2 women in the past 10 months on Tinder and 3 in my first month on Hinge. Women on there seem to be much more serious about meeting. I also seem to match with a higher percentage of the ones I like compared to Tinder. I think a big part of this is the design of the app. A strict limit on likes per day and giving all users the ability to see people who have already liked them for easy matching all but ensures your profile is going to be seen if you like someone. I’m not sure if the outcome was intentional but I believe it also makes women not quite as picky as they are on other apps.

  7. They are all terrible.

    I am about as desperate as one can be, but I know enough about these apps to not even bother trying, as to have any real success would be like a full time job and would mean using all of them at the same time.

  8. I prefer real life.

    Women turn in to bitches on dating apps and have ridiculous standards that they absolutely don’t maintain in person.

  9. I’m gonna latch my own question onto here.

    Do you guys know of any dating apps that put a focus on knowing a lot about the person? Like the emphasis is on their interests, likes, relationship goals etc?

    As one of my main objections to dating aps has been their tendency to reduce people to a couple of photos, rather than the actual content of peoples character.

  10. I had the most success with Match. By far, the most contacts that resulted in an actual date came from there. It might be because you need to pay to make the site worthwhile, the women who signed up seemed to take the interactions a little more seriously. The majority of the dates that resulted in sex came from here too. I met the beautiful, amazing woman who became my wife on Match, so I’ll give it credit for that too. We’ve been happily married for almost a decade, but we would not have been in a situation where we could have met without finding each other on Match.

    I met some women through OKCupid, but it seemed women used if more casually than Match. If you paid, though, you could search by attractiveness, which was a nice bonus.

    Tinder barely existed when I was dating, so never used it.

    I looked into eHarmony, but it seemed to act as too much of a gate keeper to let its own algorithm pick for me. Really, I just wanted access to whoever is on a dating site and I’ll try to make my own picks (or manage the women who respond to me).

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