This is probably going to be long – I’m sorry.
My long distance bf (30) has kind of ghosted me and I’m super confused.

We’re a few hrs away from each other, met on dating app, all was fantastic. Like, the best relationship either of us has ever been in. Saying ‘I love you’ regularly, speaking daily, talking about marriage/future/etc.

When I say this man made me believe in soulmates- I mean it. Deep conversations. Trauma conversations. Telling things to each other we’ve never shared to anyone before. Etc etc etc. I’ve truly never felt closer to someone in my life.

Before the holidays we plan a date for dinner and getting to spend a little time together- all is great but he’s a workaholic and work is stressing him. The date was perfect, we got to spend a few quality hours together. Nothing off at all.

We talk each other home (we’d met up halfway) and he says he’ll call the next morning.
Next morning, no call. I call/text a couple times to check on him. Get worried a few hours before bed when I realize I never heard from him. Super weird. We literally always check in at some point during the day.
I call and leave a voicemail telling him I’m worried.
The next morning, I text and my text isn’t going through. Even stranger. So I send a Fb message asking if his phone is being weird.
I come to realize I think he blocked me. So I end up calling him from another number and when he answers I ask him what’s going on and he hangs up. SO unlike him because we always had a ‘no just hanging up on someone’ rule no matter what (long distance is hard dude haha). I text him again from the other phone and tell him I’m really worried. He texts back saying he needs some time to himself for a few days.

I understand. He has some relationship trauma .. he’s stressed because of work.. the holidays were coming up.. I get it.
So I leave him alone for a week. No contact.
A little more worried, I finally reach out again (from the other phone) a week later- no response.
Let’s just say, holidays come and go, and he never reaches out. He doesn’t post on social media. He’s completely quiet.

It’s been WEEKS now. I have seen from his families social media he is OKAY, physically. I considered reaching out to them at first – but now, feel odd since it’s been so long and I don’t know them very well.

I did try to reach out from a friends phone a week or so ago and he didn’t answer. Maybe blocked it too? Who knows.

I’m heartbroken over not knowing what’s happening/what’s going on. Im so worried about him.
My friends say to just move on. He probably is ‘ghosting’. But, I’m deeply in love with this man. I can’t believe he would do that – and am so confused WHY he would. (He’s normally super blunt – so I think he’d just fess up if he wanted to end it).
He is an incredible partner who always thought of my feelings, was a good and kind human, genuinely was just an all around incredible person to those he met. We were planning our future together. We were in the middle of a great love story. Not perfect by any means – but great all the same.

This is literally the first thing that he’s done that’s been a huge red flag/issue. I can’t even really be mad at him – because I’m so confused and worried.

I guess I’m just venting and looking for support.
Am I crazy for waiting on him a bit longer?

My best friend suggested writing him a message on Fb for closure for myself (telling him how I feel and that I hope to hear from him at some point but I could t wait around when he won’t talk to me) and literally getting on a dating app tomorrow. But I just can’t. I don’t want to.

I just have to believe he’s going through something – mentally. And trying to work it out. But after all the deep dark things he’s told me before I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t let me in now too..

He’s still friends with me on social media. (Though he’s only posted once the entire time we’ve been apart)

Advice? Support?
Thank you!!

1 comment
  1. I’m sorry you’re being treated like this. I used to have a bf who suddenly started ghosting me and I was worried sick because I thought something happened to him, and I was just so relieved when it turned out that wasn’t the case, so I can relate. However, and I‘m also sorry to say this, it turned into a pattern over the years and in retrospect I should’ve ended it after the first time finding out he was physically okay. Staying after learning the other person can disregard your feelings like that only teaches them it’s okay to do this to you.

    So while I understand it’s hard, I strongly recommend following your friend‘s advice. Block him everywhere and move on.

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