“Nobodys gooing to love you more then you can love yourself” can I use that for my essay I feel like that’s ass??
Edit:Reflective essay that expresses a personal belief or philosophy

  1. Philosophy is a very huge concept and it’s hard to boil it down to one quote or idea.

    In terms of society: “Do unto others”, “Don’t be a dick to people”, etc are the things I try to live by.

    In terms of my own existence: “Nothing matters except for what you decide does”, “The world is a bunch of chaotic events and you can’t change it, might as well have some fun”.

    Politically: “No gods, no masters”

    Theologically: Fuck man idk. God may or may not exist, but even if there is a god I’m not worshipping it.

  2. I mean, that’s not really any philosophy, that just sounds like a very hackneyed inspirational phrase.

    I’m not sure philosophies are something we can believe in. They’re different from religions. But you can agree with certain philosophical concepts or you can use them to develop your own ideas.

    For example I agree with a lot of Immanuel Kant’s ideas.

  3. The cops is watching 👀

    The streets is talking 👄

    Ya hoes is unfaithful, 💔

    Ya family ain’t grateful 🙏

    Ya ninjas ain’t loyal 🥷

    You ninjas ain’t lawyers 👨‍⚖️

    Now ain’t that a bitch 🐩

  4. I believe in Hanlon’s razor: never ascribe to malice that which is better explained by ignorance.

    Hanlon’s razor keeps me sane.

  5. I suppose it depends by what you mean when you say philosophy.

    A single line phrase is not a philosophy, it’s not a guide to your life.

    There’s plenty of pithy single phrases out there.

  6. Chivalry and charity are the ideals that encompass all goodness, but they are inherently based on inequality as they represent how those who have wealth, power, influence, etc, use them to the benefit of those worthy individuals who are without, however, as we seek to equalize people, regardless of virtue or merit, we shrink the space in which these concepts exist, and as these concepts encompass all that is good in an individual or society, our attempts to remove inequality are inherently removing goodness from the world.

  7. I think Schopenhauer wrote some good things: “You can’t take anyone else as a model for what you do or don’t do.” The same applies to Thomas Aquinas: “Every conscience, right or wrong, is obligatory, so that whoever goes against his conscience sins.”

    On the personal level I find the stoic philosophy appealing.

    One of the greatest philosopher of them all was Diogenes of Sinope. Without Cynicism I would have spread my brains on the wall long ago.

    Like someone else wrote: There are so many concepts and ideas that everyone has to find out which philosophical direction suits him or her best.

  8. 1. Don’t pull the ladder up behind you. There’s no such as a thing as a truly self-made man. Pretty much everyone has a story of someone going out of there way to help you even when they weren’t obligated to, or a boss, teacher, etc, cutting them slack. Try to return the favor and be nice to others.

    2. Using someone else’s ruler to measure yourself will always leave you short. Comparing yourself to others is a never ending cycle. If you suddenly had $2 million you would be jealous of the person with $5 million, and if you had $5 million you would be jealous of the person with $10 million, etc. Just try to be grateful for what you have and be a better person than you were yesterday.

    3. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. If you can’t exercise for an hour, exercise for 10 minutes. If you can’t read 100 pages of a book, reading 20. Anything to keep moving forward.

    4. Don’t light yourself on fire to keep other people warm. If being around other people is a serious detriment to you, you’re better off without them.

  9. I’m strictly consequentialist. I have no hard or fast rules beyond ‘do the most good or the least harm’.

  10. With great power comes great responsibility. Only those who are aware of that and strive for the well-being of others and not just their selfish gain should be allowed power.

  11. I take what’s useful from all of them. There is no complete philosophy that addresses every aspect of life.

    Utilitarianism to know what is morally best.
    Stoicism for the tools it has to make life less painful. (Buddhism works here too)
    Science for testing and finding what is true about objective reality.

  12. Other people are the best resource you have for solving problems, and the most important reason to try.

    That’s mine. You can use it rent free.

  13. My personal life philosophy is that at the end of the day we are all human so why the heck are we killing each other?

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