Okay – I know good people can go to bars and clubs for once in a while fun. But where do you high quality girls go in day to day ??? I’m looking for a certain type of girl and I haven’t really run into any like that.

—fun to hang out with
—wifey type material

  1. I think the phrase “High quality girls” tells me a lot about who you are, what you’re looking for, and why you can’t find it.

  2. >high quality girls

    As if they’re types of Pokémon.

    All types of girls goto all types of places.

    The ones you would like to meet based on what you said are all over.

    This isn’t some game where you list qualities and theirs a set location to go. Lol

  3. If you can’t find them then they aren’t for you. They only tell high quality men where their secret tree houses are.

  4. Expensive sushi restaurants, roof top bars

    Those are two spots I can think of

    Coming from a Retired high quality girl lol kidding

  5. By raising your inner man, the outside world will magically become “high quality”

    – Master Splinter

  6. These comments are wild. If the sexes were reversed not a single person would comment negatively

    OP If you don’t want to find a partner that likes bar hopping stop looking for him or her at a bar lol

    Take classes. Go to the gym. Fitness groups. Hiking groups. Meet like minded people and you just might find a like minded partner

  7. Library, painting classes/groups, volunteering etc – at least by my definition of high quality. Think about the values you want (not a laundry list – top 3, everything else should be negotiable) and then see what spheres exhibit these values in abundance.

  8. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you yourself aren’t high quality enough to attract these women?

  9. What makes you, specifically, entitled to a high quality girl? If you have to ask where high quality girls are, it insinuates that you are not a high quality. Hate to break it to you.

  10. I’m making my moves with the one I’d be willing to go all in with.

    Takes time, but here and there people who match meet. Hopefully this works out. Only downside she sees is that I’m two years younger:/

  11. We tend to gravitate towards people who are similar to us. Maybe I would start by looking inside first? Just a thought.

  12. Like attracts like.

    What other hobbies do you have? Go do those to meet like minded. What foods do you like, go out to eat there. What kind of art or music, go view it. Do you have “high-quality” friends? If so they’d usually invite you to groups that have single people in them as well.

    Biggest concern though… are you the type of person that you would like to attract?

    We attract what we are. So what the other comments are also saying, if the HQ women aren’t showing up in your life normally then it’s time to do some self reflection & self growth. Work on characteristics that would make those women automatically be attracted to you. The thing about those women are that they are self aware & can see though bullshit very easily, so if they’re not magnetized towards you, it’s time to grow.

  13. As a guy who has dated/been in several long-term relationships *before* marriage I can tell you:

    There is no “secret place” where all the “high quality girls” hangout and socialize. 😂

    It’s not *where* you meet but *who* you meet that matters.

    Instead of trying to find a “special place” you’d be better off learning how to *identify* these women when you do cross paths with them. High quality girls are everywhere. I met my wife online.

    Most people you meet don’t become dates, most dates don’t become relationships, and most relationships don’t lead to marriage. As one adage goes: “Many are called but few are chosen.”

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  14. I meet a lot of smart ambitious sweet kind girls where I work. Some have baked cookies for the office so have those nurturing qualities. So I get what u mean. Most also don’t want casual sex. The ones I’m closest to don’t hook up unless they are serious with someone. Since we hang out as friends we can talk naturally and be ourselves. I’m not wanting a gf right now but it is nice to have friends. Do you have coworkers that are cute? I agree tho. Most people at bars usually are there to have fun or have casual ties.

  15. >Classy.


    >Fun to hang out with.

    That’ll depend on what sort of venues you like to hang out.

    >>1. Do you like sporty types? Co-ed sporting leagues at your local rec center. Exercise classes. Parks.

    >>2. Do you like artsy types? Music shows. Art galleries. Bookstores. Dance or music classes.

    >>3. Do you like professional types? Industry events. Job/school fairs. Your own job, but a different department.

  16. He’s probably going to tell us he’s a high quality man without having anything to offer. Jk kind of

  17. I appreciate everyone’s input.

    I write my question in 10 seconds and didn’t read the way it came off. And many of you are absolutely right… that is a shitty way of describing a person to attract. I think a better way to have said it would be just a compatible partner. I’ve been on a few online dates recently and I can tell you from personal experience that’s not the move (or at least the ones I’m marching with) which means I need to do a little soul searching and elevate myself.

    I wanted to know where better areas than bars were to meet like really awesome people. That is all. Thank you all again and all of y’all’s input really put things into perspective

  18. You will find them where you haven’t looked. If you can’t figure that out they are probably out of your league.

  19. Work, home, enjoying nature, art strolls, concerts, grocery store, high end bars with our girlfriends, brunch spots on Sundays, yoga, book clubs, weekend roadtrips, sitting in First Class; and sometimes at dive bars wondering where the high quality men are hanging out!

  20. Why even post this considering the fact that part of being high quality is not thinking of yourself as high quality? The women I’ve come across who call themselves high quality are far from it.

  21. Are you kidding me? They are everywhere. On the dating apps, at the store, at work, in your building, at the farmers market etc.

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