I (24f) love girl/girl. It’s almost all I watch porn wise, and I like to fantasize about women pleasuring me, especially when I’m having (straight) sex. However, if I think about being in an actual relationship with a girl, its a total turn off. And even though I love picturing girls pleasing me, the other way around kinda grosses me out. I get ~tingles~ when I see boobs, certain body types, ect but I’ve never had the urge or desire to be intimate with a girl. Again, it gives me the ick. I’m not interested.

I also love men. I love having sex with them, I love the masculinity, and also being dominated.

So what gives? Could this just be a kink?? Or maybe I could be bi? I’m curious to know if anyone else experiences this too.

*throw away because no one in my life knows this*

  1. Sounds normal, I mean I like watching two guys doing it but that doesn’t make me a gay man, being a woman lol. It’s kinky.

  2. Many people feel like you. Probably the best description would be bicurious but don’t focus on the lable too much. Understand yourself and express yourself with more than a single word that is supposed to encompass your sexuality.

  3. No one here can tell you what you are, that’s for you to figure out. But to me it sounds like you might have a mix of internalized homophobia and comphet. Also being a pillow princess is a valid dynamic in wlw relationships.

  4. As far as I (m) can tell, many women really like the appearance of women but wouldn’t want to touch one. Well, in that way.

    My wife is quite explicit on the subject saying that she loves looking at the female form and gets major ewwws from the idea of sex with a woman. This works very well for me.

    She also thinks the Garfunkel and Oates song *The College Try* is both hilarious and dead on.

  5. I gotta tell you if you’re watching lesbian porn and fantasizing about being with women you’re not straight

  6. I’m a middle aged woman and feel the same way. I think you can appreciate, and yes, even fantasize about something you wouldn’t technically want to do because it’s just that a fantasy. I believe if I was truly bisexual I would actually want to engage in the activity and that’s something I’m not interested in doing. Never have so much as wanted to kiss a girl. Some things are just better as a fantasy.

  7. Also 24F and I’m the same way. I like women sexually but can’t see myself ever being in a relationship with a woman. I prefer lesbian porn, I often fantasize about being with women in sexual situations, but just like dating a woman is too much for me. It’s always been confusing for me because I’ve been like this since I was very young. I always thought I’d grow into it and eventually be bisexual or even a lesbian, but I love men too much.

    I’ve always pictured myself marrying a man. I’ve never slept with a woman because honestly it seems really shitty for me to be like “I wanna fuck you but that’s it” even though I do it to men (and men do it to me) all the time lol. Another comment said this means you’re bisexual but hetero romantic and that’s the only label I’ve heard that feels right for me.

  8. Straight girls dont get turned on by girls. Straight means attracted to the opposite sex only

  9. Sexuality changes over the course of our life’s. Our environment can either repress or free certain parts of ourselves. If you were in a queer community you might be open to dating a woman.

  10. I’ve always had nearly the same situation, and the explanation I came up with is this: I am a woman, and so when I see solo woman or lesbian porn, I can relate to it as a woman because I know how what the people in the video are doing feels on my body. I’ve always been a “love is love” person, so I’ve never labeled myself.

  11. It could just be that girl/girl porn focuses on your pleasure. A lot of straight porn is focused on male pleasure a lot of times. I’m bi, and I just took it as like…. I get turned on my own body at first. I like seeing other girls boobs just as much as I like seeing my own boobs. What helps me cum is admiring my own body. I didn’t really decide I was actually bi until I was down to eat pussy.

  12. So you imagine a woman having sex with you while having straight sex?

    I think your a lesbian, you should not be dating men. Does the male body not visually turn you on? Do you not look at men in porn?

  13. I am going to go with a different answer, then most of these, I think you could still be straight. Sexual things can turn people on, that does not mean they are attracted to the people doing that. I have seen porn videos with people I would never be attracted to, but the entire situation was hot and it turned me on.

    I have seen an experiment, where men and women were looking at porn and women felt arousal more then men, to all kinds of porn. Maybe we are just more sensitive to sexual stimuli. That does not make all women bisexual, as some people claim.

    I would say, if you have never met a girl you would like to have sex with and don’t look at girls like that, you are not bisexual. And if you were, you may not be biromantic, meaning you are only sexually attracted to women but not romantically.

    I just wanna add, in case you ever decide to experiment: If you don’t wanna please a woman, it’s better not to have sex with her, unless you discuss that prior.

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