I’ve realised just how much second thoughts women actually have in a relationship and how much their mind steers towards ending it..and the only thing holding that line at times is meeting you and them realising oh yeah the sparks still there(obviously does not apply to all women)

  1. That they never really listen to advice and will follow the exact same pattern they alway have.

  2. I’m a man and I have second thoughts that get placated after having a good day together too. Might be more of a human thing

  3. Girls can only be good friends with one girl at a time for some dumb reason. Also they are rife with jealousy and pettiness for one another.

  4. They never really listen to advise and will follow the same exact pattern they always had.

  5. A female friend recently told me that women value friendships more than romance and for them losing a good friend is more terrible than losing someone they love.

  6. On one hand, that most things men assume women want are actually rarely an issue at all.

    For example, they rarely talk about penis size and rather about how men behave during sex.

    Rarely about income and more about how good someone is (or at least seems to be) at their job.

    And most women don’t actually like asshole behavior and are quick to call it out. It’s just often conflated with confidence.

    On the other hand, some ridiculously shallow factors like body height still play a huge role for certain women (not all by any means) and most of the ways to justify it I’ve heard so far sound pretty dumb to me.

  7. Sure. Any woman you’re dating.. I hate to break it to you, but you’re not really dating her.

    Anything her friends/co-workers/family remember says, she will listen to. A lot of the times these people don’t even KNOW you.

    She’ll get bad advice from them and then start an argument or problem with you that doesn’t even exist or need to be. A lot of the times it’s secretly one of her **jealous** friends trying to put shit in her head to make your life as miserable as hers and get you to to break up. FACTS.

  8. You should define the expectations and boundaries of the relationship. I saw a guy get crushed emotionally when my friend said something about seeing other people. He thought they were exclusive because they went on a few dates and he was super into her.

  9. They do not make mistakes in relationships but calculated choice. Women overthink everything, they over analyzes and over assess every situation or potential situation they never act on inpulse especially with their significant other.

  10. The joys of a good bubble bath. Lights out, candles, lit, soft music, salts and soaps, and a good quality bath pillow maybe a glass of wine or a little weed and just luxuriate.

  11. My main insight: a lot of times their purpose for communicating is just to give each other validation. How dumb an idea may be, or how many times they have already tried that idea and failed, women are not supposed to bring it up, they just have to say “you go girl” and agree.

  12. They dont usually spend 2 hours putting on makeup and getting dressed up just to attract guys. They are doing it as a confidence boost, to make themselves feel prettier and better, not really for anyone else. They value how others think about them very much and that plays into it, its not for you.

    They usually don’t want advice. They want to complain about it as a way of thinking about it. Men are generally wired to find solutions to problems, while women do better when they just vent about their problem and get their emotions out. You gotta let them complain, and dont jump in to give advice, and they usually work it out in their mind through talking it out to themselves and the problems over.

  13. Most of them are painfully aware of their own issue and how it clouds their judgement, some of them go the extra mile and own it to the point of actually trying and fixing it, nevertheless, quite a lot will still fall for the same old shit.

    I have a lot of close girl friends, I bring unhinged masculine energy in their conversations (read: mercilessly call them out) and it’s baffling how badly they need tough love and how much they actually improve from that. They return the favor in their very own way and as a result I’m a better man too.

  14. all my female friends are low key sluts who think men are hilariously stupid, many are lesbians, this “i’m a lady” shit lmao

  15. Women that go through a lot of 3 month flings and become serial daters have a serious lack in character and will usually turn to misandry instead of insight to justify the instability of their romantic relationships. Because of immediate validation from dating apps it becomes a cycle. The economics of sex is completely real, while women hold power in the beginning of relationships, men hold power to decide to further the relationship. At one point the novelty of sexual attraction wears off.

  16. they conspire against one another secretly but if there’s a guy around they don’t like they’ll temporarily team together to take him down first.

    and they all like backstreet boys way more than nsync even though nsync did way better in sales

  17. The lack of accountability is staggering. Let my friend (girl) borrow my truck to pick something up. She swiped a pole on back passenger side. Refused to pay because I “make plenty of money”.

  18. 1. Women are by and large incredibly insecure. Even when they have their shit together. One of the most insecure women I ever met had a PhD and soft celebs after her constantly. 30,000 Instagram followers.

    2. They need drama. Women are never content with peace. They’re just not. Peace is boring, and women would rather be dead than bored.

    3. They care just as much about looks as men do; actually even more in most cases. As well as everything else. Penis size matters. A lot. So does how much money you make. The less you have in any of those categories, the harder it’s gonna be to attract women.

    4. They’re painfully unaware of how illogical they are due to their emotions. They can go from happy one minute to sad the next, all over a passing thought that likely has no basis in reality whatsoever.

    5. They are allergic to accountability. Have you ever heard one genuinely apologize for something that they did wrong and mean it? Yea, me either. It’s always the man’s fault. Sure honey, have fun being single at 35.

  19. Women are the gate keepers to reproduction. They literally make the decisions on what type of men get to reproduce to move forward the next generation of the species.

    In the wild, a female Monarch Butterfly won’t reproduce with a male who’s wing symmetry is off be more than like 1/64th of an inch. To put it mildly they are picky.

    I think it’s more or less in a woman’s nature to constantly be assessing and reassessing if her and her kids are in the best position. This unfortunately means that yes, they are constantly questioning the relationship. The more availability and opportunity she has to date someone else the more this risks the relationship.

  20. The most important lesson I’ve learned from relationships and various women is, that Trust is not negotiable. And the behavior gives it all away.

    And the moment a boundary gets crossed, removing yourself from the situation while it’s early on, does to you more favors, even if it might hurt a little, but better get hurt a little than getting your life ripped appart.

  21. Depending on how you want to look at it, women either give the absolute worst love advice or the absolute best.

    If you do what your girl-spacebar-friend says, you’ll miss out on a girlfriend every time.

    But if you do the total opposite of what she says, mmm…

  22. That there is no mystery about them and they are not hard to understand. They are simple, though skittish and inclined to be overemotional.

  23. That they want a man who is in control (not controlling) and takes responsibility, treats them like a lady in public and defends them but is also strong enough to call them on their shit in private. Makes them feel sexy in the bedroom. Also has his wits about him when it comes to finances. They want to work but also want the man to be the financial powerhouse so they know they are supported when they have children and want to be the primary parent in the upbringing.

  24. They’re nice to have as friends on a part-time basis. I would never want to have one around full-time though.

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