My crush is a colleague and friend, we work together and yesterday I told him that i was planning to go to the office today. He said that we could get a drink after work. I said “yes sure” but when we were in the office someone else asked him if he wanted to go for drinks and he said “yes”. Then he asked me if I wanted to join.
He also knew that I am having some family issues because I told him 2 days ago (we talk a lot about person stuff and I helped him when he had problems in the past). Am I wrong in thinking that this was going to be a catch up and not a drink with many people? I didn’t know most of them. I just said yes I’ll join. I didn’t say anything about it but I was a bit disappointed, what do you think?

  1. Did you tell your friend you had other plans when they asked? Could be a shit move if you didn’t.

  2. You want him to turn down a fun time with you AND other people, in order to listen to you complain about your family? Did I get that right

  3. You said that your “Crush” is both a colleague and a friend. Maybe he doesn’t know that you have a crush on him.

    Maybe he already had preset plans with other people to get drinks after work and invited you as a courtesy because you mentioned you’d be in the office and thought maybe a night out amongst colleagues would be welcome.

    It’s also completely possible that he didn’t have a place in mind for drinks and since another colleague asked, he extended the invite to include you because he had already asked you and you said yes

  4. What did he say when he brought up drinks the first time? Did he give any indication that it would just be the two of you?

    Also, how often do you and he spend time together one-on-one outside of work?

  5. Seems like you misunderstood….

    I’m not sure you should be mad about it…it was still a good social opportunity….did you get to know the others?

    I’d ask him out again only on my terms

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