The family history is a bit messy.

I have two half sisters on my dads side, Sakura (23f) and Irina (23f) i don’t know well who the affair baby was. The 3 of us grew up on 3 different countries and they were raised by their mothers, i grew up with my mom and my dad.

For some reason i don’t know my mom hates them and their moms, dad doesn’t really care. Both my sisters would visit dads side of the family (My grandparents and aunt) and whenever they did i was not allowed to go visit. I was never allowed to have a relationship with them. Well, i’m 18 now, will be 19 soon and decided that maybe i should contact them.

I’m extremely upset at my parents now. My sisters are amazing but i don’t fit in with them at all. Not only that but they get along great! Apparently while my parents didn’t care about them, their moms did their best for them to have a sister relationship.

I never knew that they both stayed at my grandparents house at the same time! All my life i thought the 3 of us just didn’t stay in contact but they get along really well, turns out they always did.

They have lots of things in common, lots of fun stories, they talk a lot and are so, so sisters! It’s so uncomfortable for me and i feel so left out. And i know it’s my parents fault, while their moms did everything for them to be a family, even with distance, language barriers and dad drama, my parents always kept me away.

Its incredibly uncomfortable when i’m with them and i’m starting to hate my parents for that, i missed on so much.

It’s also taking a tool on my self esteem. They’re both models, one of them is an actress, the other a dancer and i’m so untalented and common. I feel so left out and i don’t know what to do.

They do try to include me on stuff but i feel uncomfortable even thought they try to make me feel like i’m part of them and honestly they have lots of things in common but i don’t like any of the things they like.

What am i supposed to do???

TL;DR: My parents kept me away from my sisters, now i’m lonely and don’t fit in.

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