Hey, so there are like a lot of social situations like when you are not part of a group but would like to join in… when someone annoying is bulling you…. or when you want to get attention in a group.. these are just some examples, but what I’d really like to know is the principles to what behavior and habits are needed to achieve what you want socially like fulfilling your esteem needs.

Which also makes me question things like dominance and stuff and in what situations are they required. For instance.. there’s all this bulling advice and how you should stand up or yourself… but none of them actually talk about the root cause.. or what is that one thing you are lacking in your personality that never even brings this situation.

Because I see these same people act differently (a lot nicer) in front of some other people, maybe it is because of authority or whatever… but what’s that vibe, the personality stuff and the behavior that gets you what you want from social situations and by interacting with people.

TLDR; looking for a framework to work through social situations, be my natural self(with a little bit of tweaks) and know what do in any social situation whether it be not getting bullied or becoming a leader

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