I’m 21 he’s 27 we’ve been dating almost a year now.

He is a night shift nurse. He actually rotates between days and nights monthly. I’m a paramedic and I rotate between day shift and night shift every 2 months so I have an idea how it is. When we first started dating I worked 24 hour shifts and would still see him when I got off work.

We haven’t seen each other since April 7th. It is true that our schedules haven’t aligned and I’m on my day shift rotation and he’s on his night shift rotation, but there have been a few days where we both have had days off together and could’ve gotten dinner at least or something. But he has cancelled saying he is too tired from work and needs to catch up on things.

I’ve offered to help him. I have offered to go to the laundromat for him, cook him meals, clean his apartment while he sleeps. But he didn’t accept my help.

Last night for example, we planned to see each other. I had to work the next day and he got off of work in the morning. I expected him to maybe text me around 6pm after he woke up and showered and stuff and maybe we’d get dinner or something!

9pm rolls around and i hear nothing from him. I text him “I thought I was going to see you today 🙁 I haven’t heard from you. Hope you’re okay.”

He responds about 40 minutes later:

“I know. I woke up late and just started cleaning. Im sorry. I need to catch up on some things and go shopping tonight.
I really could use my (my name) time. I got too caught up. I thought if i focused on taking care of stuff i could come see you maybe. But now its too late and just feel bad. And i miss you. And im frustrated 😖”

I still haven’t responded. I understand giving him time to himself on night shift but I work the next few days which just extends our time apart. I’m honestly hurt and wondering if maybe he just doesn’t want to be with me but feels bad about it and is waiting for me to break up with him.

This is not the first time this has happened.

– [ ] Tl;dr boyfriend hasn’t seen me in nearly 2 weeks, I’m hurt and he didn’t see me last night after he said he would.

  1. Would you rather he see you and be tired.
    Not want to talk. And not really be in the mood for anything physical or emotional. (And just be thinking about sleeping)
    Or even to hear not just your voice, just anyone’s.

    At least he is being honest with you sounds like you both work insanely alot.

    It is definitely sad and anyone would be hurt.
    But tiredness can lead to arguments.
    And you would maybe end up worse, than not seeing him.

  2. Unfortunately that is not the case.
    The dude is too tired, and that is the end of that.

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