What is more important to you: that a woman is young, or that she is not obese?

  1. She is not obese hands down. No one wants to date a overweighted person, and even overweighted people said they don’t want to date overweighted people.

  2. That she’s not obese, that’s something that affects your health and life. All women age, not all of them take care of themselves.

  3. Not obese. I don’t really care about age, as long as she’s over 25.

    But you should NOT be obese when you’re young. Theres no excuse. It’s just being a lazy fuck.

  4. I’m in mid 30s though I’d be attracted to women in early 20s, I’d prefer someone close to my age who is fit as I’m health conscious.

  5. Important in which way? If I’m looking at the importance of a long-term relationship probably not going to pick a slender 125-year-old person. If the importance of the wisdom I gain from the conversation being provided I’m likely not going to pick the 20-year-old 2000 lb person.

  6. Hitting us with the hard questions yeah. So OP how whats the minimum age and weight are we dealing with for both cases

  7. Neither 1 of those matter.. unless she’s like 350lbs.. that might be a little too big for me

  8. Not obese. I spend a ridiculous amount of time caring for my physical health, pretty much my only expectation of a woman is that she does the same.

  9. That she is not obese. I’m sorry, but I want a partner who enjoys physical activities as much as I do.

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