Hi guys, I am hoping you can give me some inspiration.

I have a YouTube travel channel and am looking for unique ideas of things my wife and I can do in the U.K. for winter.

Some examples:
– We are going to try snowy winter camping on a mountain in Scotland.
– Hiking to worlds most remote
– Staying in a ww2 bunker

I would love to hear of some interesting things we could do anywhere in the U.K this winter.

Thanks I’m advance for any suggestions

  1. The rooftop pool at Thermae Bath Spa. The water is naturally warm from the hot springs under Bath. The town itself is also very nice in winter, full of cosy pubs and cafes and beautiful old streets. From there, you could also head into the Cotswalds. A countryside walk on a crisp winter day that ends with a drink at a warm, cosy pub is a very British activity.

  2. I wouldn’t recommend camping in winter on a Scottish mountain. Every year people are caught out by the weather in Scotland, not just in winter, and die.

  3. If you’re looking for something winter-themed in Scotland, you could go and visit the reindeer that live in the Cairngorms. There’s only two herds of them left in the country and that one is the largest.

  4. Winter mountaineering in Scotland could be a good shout, seeing that you are already planning to use a guide. A lot of people don’t realise that you need to check the avalanche warnings in places like the Cairngorms, for example, or that you can go snowholing there (though worth staying in bothies too as some of those are really interesting to visit). There’s also mountaineering skills like glissading or performing a self-arrest with an ice axe that are not familiar to most people, but can be (and should be, depending on where you go) learned in the mountainous regions of the UK, so should make a good video.

  5. I don’t have any ideas but I’d love to give your channel a watch, where can I find it?

  6. The UK gets loads of wild geese and swans migrating down from the arctic/greenland/russia for the winter. The sight of skeins of geese flying across the sky in the morning as they move out to feed from their overnight sites is quite lovely. The Wildfowl trust reserve at Welney is a good site


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