OK here we go….

I am in the process of trying to end things with someone and have been casually flirting with one of my customers over the last few months .

Every time I see him, he always talks about how pretty I am and how nice I wear my hair, and how I always dressed nicely ….

I’m not the greatest at being forward with guys and I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to sneaking that I want to possibly go on a date ….

My friend said the next time he asked me a question just insert somewhere that “I need to go out and have fun”…

Fast for today I’m walking into work and he’s already there taking a passport photo. I lit up immediately. Here’s my chance to finally get his phone number or he can get mine.

So as we’re talking, he asked me what I’m doing over the weekend and I say a bunch of nothing just Adulting laundry cleaning I had needed to get my car fixed. He mentioned how I really had a full weekend and I said that’s just normal Adulting. What do you do sleep all weekend? He says he works a lot.

We casual we carry on some casual conversation a little bit more and say our goodbyes and he leaves I feel like I miss my opportunity.

Do you guys think the next time I see him I should just before and asked him to go out with me?

Or should I just wait for him to make the first move?

  1. I think I’m at the opposite end of the stick, yet very similar situation. I “met” this girl last week at the bar where she works, and found her sooo pretty. We locked eyes quite a few times, but I didn’t really get the chance to speak to her much (hence “met”). Today I went to the same bar and the exact same thing happened, except we had a small chat. I do have a hard time flirting tbh, but I don’t believe people lock eyes that often without it meaning something. I’m seriously considering asking her out for a drink, coffee or dinner next week.

    I know this might not be the advice you’re looking for, but from what I read it seems like he’s also into you. You should trust your gut, if you have the slightest feeling that there might be something there then go for it! As a guy, I really wish that she would come up to me and ask me out, but she doesn’t seem like the type to do so. This leaves me with two options really, either I ask her out or miss the opportunity altogether. The worse that can really happen is that she rejects my invitation and life goes on.

    Sorry for the rambling, but I’ll end with: I definitely think you should take your chances here, even if you invite him for a coffee or something simple. Don’t beat around the bush too much, honesty is always appreciated! You’ve got my full support stranger! 💪 Best of luck!

  2. You shouldn’t really be making moves with anyone until your current relationship is actually ended. Break up with them first.

  3. Maybe end things before starting something with someone new maybe? Kinda a shitty thing to do not end with someone and start with someone new.

  4. Lol lol you’re the 37 year old who’s fucking a married man. Oh god you’re such a foul human. Karma karma karma 😂

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