For me?

I went from 213lb to now 201lb in the last month. I am 5’9, by the way. After leaving the Army, I gave into alcoholism and despair, but now I got back into exercising, eating right, and not drinking as much.

I also finally got the sleep study done, got diagnosed with sleep apnea, and got a fucking cpap so my sleep feels a lot better now.

How about you?

  1. Only noteable thing I’ve done is quit drinking pop (am a soda addict).

    Normally I end up giving in within a week or two but im confident that I can hold out 🙂

  2. Great Job. It’s nice to see a fellow battle buddy hanging in there and making progress towards a better future. That sleep apnea mask takes sooooooo long to get used to.

    Me? I made a finance newsletter about a month ago. It’s one of the first hobbies I was about to stick to without getting bored. Got about 14 subscribers too. Feels fucking amazing to do something on my own and for it to come out so well.

    Best of luck with exercising

  3. Getting hired on to the company that I have been working at as a contracted worker for about 5 years. Not getting too specific about the company but auto manufacturing.

  4. Not to toot my own horn, but I ran back to back to back weekend ultramarathons. Two 28 milers & one 34 miler

  5. I signed up for a social anxiety counseling program and I have a phone call on Sunday to get started.

  6. Getting back on track with rejecting refined sugar and refined carbs.

    I feel in control again.

  7. Got an Exceeds rating on my annual performance review today, leaving me to wonder WTF the rest of these people do all day that my lazy ass is exceptional.

  8. Started doing pushups every other day for about 1.5 months now. I’m up to “my back isn’t killing me every other day”. I started at 20 at a time, up to 30 at a time now.

  9. I am working through the Unity Learn junior programmer course, and finding that pretty easy – mainly because of prior familiarity. The big accomplishment is sticking to it, and doing decent amounts in a day, not just 10 minutes then ADHD brain goes no.

  10. The wife suggested last week that we get divorced at some point in the future when we can figure out how.

    I processed my feelings in healthy ways by talking to friends and family, signed up for a gym membership, used my first open shower, which I had been mortally afraid of, and worked out 3 straight days this week.

    No interest in drinking anymore and I’ve switched to intermittent fasting.

    Now to figure out how to make more money…

  11. I’ve lost 100 lbs in the past 8 months. I still got a bit left to go, but it’s coming along nicely.

  12. I finally hit 300 followers on twitch after 4 months of only being able to stream during school. Little goals hit feel great!

  13. Went above the Arctic Circle for the first time in my life and saw wild whales which has been a bucketlist thing for a WHILE now

  14. Started LowCarbHighFat diet. I’m no longer hungry nor fatigued. The cravings for junk food are gone and I’m sleeping less but feeling well rested.

    I’ll weigh myself Sunday.

  15. async the shit out of one of my company’s backend service.

    eh yoooooooooo

    none of that synchronous shit.

  16. Made the president’s list at school, got hired on at a work from home position. Will be moving soon. Have 2 years of sobriety coming up next month, buying myself a nice 2 year coin.

  17. How did you go about breaking out of the despair/substance abuse and replacing with the positive? Obviously this may seem like a question that answers itself, just curious what your process or catalyst was

  18. I finally got my truck fixed after having it sit for a month. Feels good to have it back running again.

  19. I’m gonna be making a lot of money this year (over 200k) and I’m just out of college. I don’t really feel great about it because I’m going to have to move and I don’t have any friends and have never had a girlfriend. I think of ******* quite a lot

  20. Bought a house, let a massive project to relaunch my company’s website, learned a lot about charcoal grilling.

  21. Probably wont reach anyone but ive been sober for two weeks. No drinking or smoking (the electric lettuce) since 1/6/23.
    Backstory (if its of any matter) i casually drank a beer with coworkers, would get home after a long shift and relax and pop open a couple of beers and or smoke a bowl. Started getting some pain in my jaw so i went to the dentist and the Doc told me i needed to get my wisdom tooth extracted. It was the bottom right side only since the left side had been removed years ago. So i made the appointment and didnt drink for two days before the surgery. Had a check up a week later and was told i was good to go, but i asked myself, why not see how long i can last? Well, its been two weeks. I feel good, and honestly i havent craved it or had the feeling to sit back and pop one open. So yeah…

  22. It’s not a huge loss in weight, but on the right track. Keep it up! you can do it. Maybe in time you won’t need the cpap. That is a goal worth working towards.

  23. May have just closed on a house that will finally get my pregnant wife, daughter, and I! We find out for sure tomorrow

  24. I tried learning a new song on bass every day last month. Didn’t always make it to completion, but it sure gives you a lesson in humility. And teaches you how to chug through even when you really don’t want to.

    I need a break lol.

  25. That’s fantastic man. I almost gave into despair, but managed to avoid the alcohol. Keep chugging along.

    I just made a breakthrough on an educational electronics system I’ve been designing for a few years now. I got the first hardware prototype working at last. I can start developing software and then some good educational content. Feels amazing to see it finally start coming to life.

  26. Replaced and installed a couple of outdoor light fixtures by watching YouTube and not get electrocuted.

  27. Life’s been plenty of chaos the last few months. Recently I’ve been doing research into starting a business to use to fund a non profit I’ve wanted to start. So mostly learning structures and legal stuff.

  28. I cleared out 40,000 emails. I haven’t been in there for a few years and they just kept piling up.

    Also I finished a Van Goh paint-by number.

  29. I’ve been getting to bed before 10pm. I’ve been sorting my diet out. Taking vit d c and zinc and magnesium daily. Getting some weight training, body weight training or cardio in every day. Keeping the house tidy.

    Controlling everything I can with me, and if my family friends whatever want to make things difficult for themselves and cause problems, then I’m mentally out of there


  30. I got a new dishwasher today since the one I had was broken. Speaking of broken things, my broken toe is healing well.

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