Sometimes I am ready for sex to be over for one reason or another and I will purposefully push all the buttons that get my partner closer to orgasm. But then instead of orgasming he will slow down so he doesn’t orgasm so soon.

How do I get him to just cum (vs almost cum) without ruining the mood and telling him I’m close to wanting to tap out?

  1. Tell him you want him to. A lot of men have been conditioned to think the longer the better – despite the fact that studies show women dont want or expect it for as long as men think they’re supposed to give it.

    When I’m good I signal to my partners by saying things like “I can’t wait to feel you cum deep inside me,” “I want you to cum for me,” “I want you to fill me up” and like a dozen other things depending on the dynamic I have with the person. And if he stops or slows down because he almost came (and I want him to do it) when he says “almost came!” i say “do it! I want you to cum for me” and I do whatever little things I know he likes and I root him on!

    Its about conmunication. Theres nothing wrong with telling them what you want.

  2. Just tell him whenever you feel that way, communicating needs and desires goes a long way. You can also jerk him off or blow after so he can finish. But definitely communicate that

  3. If you are on your back and him on top…look deep into his eyes…run your fingers though his hair….softy clinch your nails into his back…and say cum baby..grind your hips into his thrust…while saying cum baby a few times…..i 100000% guarantee he will pop.

  4. Talk to him about it when you aren’t having sex. You’re giving him the right cues but he’s obviously nervous about performance and its not registering.

  5. You don’t have to communicate your reasons, but you do need to communicate your objectives. Without doing that, your victory will feel like defeat to him.

    If that doesn’t work for you, how does he feel about being bossed around? I’m just saying being commanded to orgasm as you start to push his buttons might work pretty well.

  6. I’ve been there-

    You literally just say “I want you to cum, yes please cum for me”

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