I wrote a previous post (linked) about some of our issues, but that was when I was at my wit’s end and now, I just don’t feel like I can mentally and emotionally take it anymore.

We just moved (again, because we rent and the last house had a slumlord), and I’m exhausted! I don’t want to move again. My kids don’t either. There are 7 of them, ranging from 8 to 22. We have A LOT of stuff.

But, here’s the thing. My husband (mind you, when we try to “talk,” he tells me what I think or feel is dumb, or that I should at least pretend I’m happy – for the kids) just yesterday told me he’s been talking to people (with his one-sided story, of course) and their conclusion to the reason I’m emotionally and physically detached for a long time now is because I’m CHEATING! Not because he won’t deal with any of the problems we have.

26 years. I can’t take it anymore. 😫 Where do I go from bere?

1 comment
  1. What I have learned is the one who accuses the other of cheating is usually the one who is OR has been thinking about it.

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