I am writing this downstairs whilst she is still passed out in bed recovering from what I’m sure is a bad hangover. Alcohol is no excuse though as this situation happened quite early into the night.

I have been with my gf for little over a year, I run a software consultancy company and I met her as she worked for one of my clients at the time. She moved into my house 5 months ago, we got a puppy (Italian Greyhound) at her request – I prefer bigger dogs haha – and the relationship has been very strong so far.

Last night I was attending a networking event and brought her as my +1. Quite a fancy event so everyone was dressed in suits for the guys and dresses for the girls. Alcohol is also free throughout the night. It started out as a fun night but as it went on my gf was acting weirdly.

I would join her conversations midway and she would be digging into guys net worth and what care they drive etc. She has never been particularly materialistic so I thought this was odd.

A bit later we were talking to some guy together and again she asked about his net worth. He jokingly didn’t want to say but she pushed and eventually he did. Granted it was high, but my gf reacted by saying “you beat my boyfriend in all 3 departments then”, when asked why she meant she clarified it meant taller, more handsome, and richer.

Bare in mind I was stood right there. The guy looked a bit shocked and I smiled through the pain but was obviously extremely angry on the inside. We stayed another hour as I had some people I wanted to talk to, and she proceeded to get pretty damn drunk, then I called a cab and we went home.

It’s not that I was jelaous it’s just that it is very disrespectful. Because of this I will be breaking up with her, but wanted to post on here anyway to see how to go about that, as don’t want her spinning it on me being insecure.

Let me know thoughts.

Edit: It’s done, will post an update tomorrow if interested.

  1. Wow. I’m embarrassed just reading this. Her behavior was beyond rude even if she wasn’t in a relationship. The red flags are waving. Run.

  2. Dump her rude ass and make sure to explain why. That she beat you in the rude department.

  3. Good for you! She was way over the line and there’s no coming back from this.
    I’d like an update though on how she’ll react.

  4. Dude…that’s terrible. You should break up with her. She said he beats you in all 3 departments. Foul.

  5. She may as well be going window shopping while being with you. The fact that she has kept her materialism hidden from you this long speaks to how deceitful she is. There’s no excuse. You are correct to consider this dumping worthy. She will say she’s only talking, that it was a joke or something else dismissive because she doesn’t want to rip her paycheck up. Rip it up for her.

  6. There is no excuse or defense for what she did. She was hating on you in front of people you work with.

    I don’t know how you ever mend that.

  7. Asking a bunch of your peers about their net worth is a Big red flag. Not only is it disrespectful and invasive, but it seemed to me that she was trying to find an upgraded boyfriend. The only thing Alcohol is doing is bringing out the person she is hiding from you. I wouldn’t be able to overlook the blatant disrespect and the fact that she only cares about money. Find someone who loves you for you, not your money or status.

  8. First off she was disrespectful to the people you were talking to. It is not polite to ask someone their worth, or what kind of car they drive. And when they say they are not comfortable giving the information to keep hounding them until they eventually do.

    But then to act like a damn gold digger, and insult you in the process makes her even worse.

    You are not insecure, because you refuse to put up with behavior like this. She is just a gold digger, and nasty person.

    Thankfully you are smart enough to send her packing.

  9. Oh she will definitely call you insecure or jealous or whatever but she got blasted at your work event as your guest and proceeded to make an obvious pass at another man in front of you. She’s gotta know it’s over.

  10. Glad to hear she is gone. If that is how she behaves while you are there what would she have been like on her own? You are young and can do better

    Would like to hear how she took it.

  11. Wow, she could personally qualify for EPA Superfund toxic site funding. That’s probably her best track for having lots of funds.

  12. I am definitely interested about her reaction to your break up.

    Assuming she wasn’t very drunk it was horrible behaviour and definitely worth breaking up over.

  13. I just wanna say when I’m drunk I annoy people by talking too much about how much I love my fiance. As it should be

  14. Yikes. I would be done with her too.

    Not only did she completely act inappropriate there, but she embarrassingly made fun of you.

    Get rid of her and find someone bettwr

  15. Wow, yeah I’d be pulling the plug too. How all around disrespectful, rude, tacky and inappropriate.

    I’ll be keeping an eye out for that update, I’m curious to see if she has any explanation.

  16. If you want to continue this relationship (and honestly, it doesn’t look good), she needs a “come to Jesus” talk. Her behavior was gross, and unprofessional.

    One- you don’t drink at work functions. It’s a “best practices “ type of thing. She shouldn’t certainly be getting drunk in front of your colleagues.

    Two- she’s asking inappropriate and personal info. It’s tacky and classless. Plus it reflects poorly on you.

    Three- she’s being manipulative and condescending right in front of you. Imagine what she says behind your back?

    Four- no one ever says drunk, what they haven’t thought sober.

    Honestly, this sounds like a deal breaker. How do you come back from that?

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