I plead that whoever reads this has kindness and understanding. Thank you to those of you who read this.

To summarize, I experienced bad anxiety when I was in college so I was prescribed with Lexapro. What happened, rather quickly, might I add, is that I had absolutely 0 sensation down there, and had 0 sexual feelings. I felt asexual. The worst part is, therefore, because I had 0 sensation, I stopped doing… you know what, completely. And no one fucking told me that if a woman stopped stimulating their clitoris, it can shrink. Mine shrunk a bit. And there was no sensation. So I freaked out and tried my best to get off of lexapro asap.

Well… when I went off Lexapro, I had the sensation come back. So I got carried away when I was you know what, making up for lost time, and accidentally cut my clitoris. That injury made my clitoris shrink even more because I stopped touching it for a while, because the sensation was again GONE and this time stung like any cut would, when I touched it. Now, I swear to you all, my clitoris is basically all the way shrunk and my hood completely covers it. When I try to open it up, the clitoris will barely pop out and yeah you get the point no woman on earth should ever experience this. I feel like God hates me I can’t understand how this could have happened, even so, can’t believe how sensitive my clitoris is.

I felt a lot of shame, sadness I never knew existed, deep pain in my soul and I think I was in so much shock with what has happened to me that I suppressed it especially because if I were to go to a doc I would have to involve my parents. But now years have gone by and I need to figure this out.

I have heard about Cliovana, a treatment similar to the one men have used that has a history of working for their issues down there.. ya know, the machines and treatments they use for scar tissue and erectile dsyfunction… but it is a new technology still, and I cant find any reviews because what woman would even want to talk about something so personal?

The other solution is probably surgery which I cannot do.

The reason I am posting on reddit is because I have been praying to God that someone somewhere in this world will find this post and relate to it and share with me what they did. I can’t lose hope. I can’t imagine having a sense taken away from my body like this for the rest of my life. I can’t bear it. I keep reminiscing the days I could just be a human being who could get some relief. Now, I feel trapped and like I can’t breathe. I have never thought this could be possible. I wish someone warned me that this could happen to someone’s clitoris. I am angry. It’s so unfair. I don’t know how to go on. I am in therapy btw. Thanks for reading. Ugh, wow, I really hope that someone has a good answer for this. Please, do not comment how sorry you are, or how shocking this is. It will really mess me up. I know this is bad. I am trying my best to stay calm because it has been 3 and a half years of this heavy pain in my heart. Thank you ladies, for reading <3

  1. Umm pretty sure you would need to go a LONG time with no clit stimulation to have it shrink. How long were you on this drug and not masturbating?

  2. I’ve been on Lexapro for a long time and my sex drive is basically non existent most of the time so I feel you there. Have you tried a toy like the satisfier pro? It does suction on your whole clit area. Maybe it’ll help bring back the sensation. It’s honestly been a lifesaver as a long time Lexapro gal.

    I’d def talk to your gyno at your next appointment too. The clit is actually pretty large and goes inside your body, so it’s def not gone. Maybe there’s a procedure to help bring her out?

  3. I don’t think it’s actually shrunk. Outside of a severe injury, like in childbirth, that really doesn’t happen. It’s probably blood flow (or lack of it). If you aren’t getting as aroused then its going to be smaller, and just like with a penis the amount of blood it retains can vary a lot even when not aroused.

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